Arbi (Colocasia / Kesavina gedde) (2024)

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      Healthy Buddha home delivers fresh organic produce & curated grocery / pantry products, direct to customers in Bangalore for a healthy lifestyle. We are organic certified by NPOP, India. We have our own ​​​farms and also source directly from a handpicked network of ​organic farmers​. Select HB products are also available across stores (Godrej Natures Basket, Food Hall, Big Bazaar) and online (Amazon, Big Basket, Healthifyme & Place of Origin).


      We service orders above 399

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    Arbi (Colocasia / Kesavina gedde) (22)

    Arbi (Colocasia / Kesavina gedde) (23)


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    Despite its Hindi name,arviorarbi, which may suggest to a layperson a connection, however faint, with the Arab world, colocasia is one of the oldest vegetables of the Indian Subcontinent. Beforethe potato taking over the kitchens in such a comprehensive manner, colocasia was the preferred tuber.

    Brown coloured skin with white pulp inside,arbiis a starchy rootvegetablecultivated in Asia and enjoyed all around the world. It is called Taro root inEnglish,

    The taro roots have a nutty flavor.

    Use: in the south, in Kerala, the tuber is fried or curried and eaten with rice. Could also be used for preparing taro chips, crispy taro pancakes, taro cheesecakes, taro fries, and taro buns.

    Best way to consume it is boiled or steamed arbi which could be mixed with onions and lemon juice for good taste. You could also dress it with some coriander leaves for a wholesome platter.

    Come along harvest some organic arbi with us - CLICK HEREto check out the harvest at our farm


    • Taro root is a fiber-rich food. Dietary fiber has the potential to maintain the bloodsugarlevel. Hence it is helpful in diabetes management.
    • Helps improve digestive health
    • Good source of dietary fiber and potassium that help in heart health.
    • Lower in fat and sodium aiding prevention/management of hypertension
    • Arbi, being rich in fiber content makes your stomach feel fuller for longer hours and reduces the number of calories intake throughout the day.

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    Arbi (Colocasia / Kesavina gedde) (2024)


    What is kesuvina Gedde in English? ›

    Taro root is a fiber-rich food.

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    Are arbi and colocasia the same? ›

    Colocasia, also known as Taro or Arbi, is s starchy tuber (root) cylindrical vegetable, round to oblong in shape at an average of 15cm in diameter. Arbi roots are clad in light brown to purplish-black in colorways with white or pale cream-colored flesh inside with a hint of purple or pink spread across occasionally.

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    What is the English name for arbi root? ›

    The English name of Arbi Is Taro (Taro root,). The scientific name of Taro is colocasia.

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    What is Colocasia vegetable in English? ›

    taro, (Colocasia esculenta), herbaceous plant of the arum family (Araceae) and its edible rootlike corm.

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    What is the English word for Gedde? ›

    a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage. tuber, tuber.

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    Who should not eat taro root? ›

    It's also easy to use and can be enjoyed in a number of unique recipes, including taro tea, cakes, chips, side dishes and desserts. However, it's important to always cook before consuming, avoid if you experience any food allergy symptoms, and moderate your intake if you have diabetes or are following a low-carb diet.

    Tell Me More
    Is colocasia good for health? ›

    Colocasia leaves, also known as Taro leaves, are a nutritious addition to a balanced diet. They are rich in vitamins A, C, and B-complex, as well as minerals like calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium.

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    What do we call colocasia in English? ›

    It was borrowed by Latin as colocasia, thus becoming the genus name Colocasia. Taro is among the most widely grown species in the group of tropical perennial plants that are colloquially referred to as "elephant ears", when grown as ornamental plants.

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    What is the Indian name for colocasia? ›

    It is similar to potato in shape and look, Arbi is a starchy root vegetable that has a brown-coloured fibrous exterior and a white, slightly slimy flesh inside.

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    Can a kidney patient eat taro root? ›

    Taro consumption has been found to have a relationship with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in rural adults . A study conducted on rural adults in Henan, China, showed that higher intake of beans, which includes taro, was associated with a lower prevalence of CKD and albuminuria .

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    Can diabetics eat arbi? ›

    Taro has a glycemic index of 58. This number increases as the potatoes are cooked. Therefore, eating taro can increase blood sugar in diabetics, directly affecting health as well as disease status. Therefore, people with diabetes need to limit and be cautious when eating taro.

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    What is the common name for colocasia? ›

    Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott
    Family Name:Araceae
    Synonyms:Alocasia dussii, Alocasia illustris, Arum chinense
    Common Name:Taro, Yam, Cocoyam, Dasheen, Ubi Keladi, Eddoe, Elephant's Ear, Keladi, 芋, 芋头

    Discover More Details
    What are the other names for arbi? ›

    A tropical plant, taro is known by several names like arbi, colocasia, eddoe, dasheen, gabi, cocoyam, etc.

    Get More Info Here
    What is the real name of colocasia? ›

    Colocasia esculenta (Caladium, Dasheen, Elephant Ears, Green Taro, Malanga, Taro) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox.

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    Author: Madonna Wisozk

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    Views: 6230

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    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Madonna Wisozk

    Birthday: 2001-02-23

    Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

    Phone: +6742282696652

    Job: Customer Banking Liaison

    Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

    Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.