WAUU Articles Vol 4 No 2 Oct 2024- (2024)

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Prof. Sam Smah's Updated Curriculum Vitae

Prof Sam Smah



Community Policing in Nigeria as Conflict Prevention and Resolution

Oluwasolape Onafowora

This paper focuses on community policing, a recent concept taken to as additive to law enforcement which has become everyone’s allegorical remedy for policing problems in the global system. The concept as an agenda for policing reform, has received numerous attention, having received scholarly debates in various. In Sub-Saharan African region, and most especially Nigerian state where issues of crimes and insecurity have taken different dimensions, there have been agitations and a need to get an alternative to security structure in the country. Officers of the Nigeria Police are conspicuously overwhelmed in the discharge of their fundamental duties, there is, therefore, the need for community policing to complement their efforts in the maintenance of internal security and protection of lives and property. Therefore, this study interrogates the factors aiding the surge of crimes and ineffective policing in Nigeria, and also examines the merits derivable in subscription to the communit...


tertiary education trust fund intervention and sustainable development in nigeian universitiesCURRICULUM VITAE Dr Joseph 2016.docx

Joseph O Nkwede


©ARC Page | 32 The Impact of Insecurity and Poverty on Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria

Aminu Umaru

Abstract: The paper examines the impact of insecurity and poverty on sustainable economic development in Nigeria with special emphasis on the Boko Haraminsurgency. The paper employed OLS technique in estimating the relationship between economic growth rate, insecurity and poverty level, ADF technique was used in testing the presence of unit root in the data, Granger causality test was used establish the flow of causation between the variables of the model, ECM techniques was used to test the existence of long run relationship between the variables of the model, after which Ramsey RESET model specification techniques was used. The paper found a negative relationship between economic growth and insecurity and poverty; the result of causation revealed that economic growth cause poverty and poverty causes insecurity in Nigeria but not the other way round. The paper also found that one of the most vicious onslaughts on the Nigerian state is the terror unleashed by JamaatuAhlis-SunnaLidda...


Elections and Electoral Violence in Nigeria Fourth Republic

Oromareghake Patrick

In the contemporary world, elections have become the most accepted means of changing government. Although history has shown that it is usually difficult to hold elections that are free and fair. The importance of a good election cannot be underestimated, especially in a developing country like Nigeria. Elections in Nigeria were reported to be marred by irregularities by foreign and local observers; the irregularities of elections in Nigeria having been accompanied with electoral violence. In this regard the paper adopts the use of secondary data involving the use of books, journals, magazines and newspapers. The finding of the study shows that elections, especially those of the fourth republic general elections, had been greeted with violence. The reasons adduced for such a situation was the manner in which the elections were conducted, not being free and fair and producing unfavourable candidates instead of the choice of the people. We, therefore, recommend that Nigeria political office holders today can adopt some of the basic reforms, devolvement of power at the centre and other plausible ways for true and sustainable democratic system in Nigeria.


IDOWU Oluwafemi Amos

SUMMARY Modern democratic models have become a system widely accepted across the globalised world and is perceived as parameter to measure the level of development. Studies were concerned about democratic principles and apparatus, only a few considering the effective practices of the system toward development in less-developing structure like Nigeria. This paper, therefore, examined the democratic models, developments; it also identified some lapses in Nigeria's democratic and political dispensations. The paper found out that certain lapses were associated with the practice, which often led to political, social and religious crises, hence causing little improvement on standards of living of common citizens. Though, the system is alien to the culture of the people; it still failed to take cognisance of the socio-cultural background toward these democratic models and institutions. The paper concludes that the low participation of citizens in many political and


Determinants and Processes of Cross-border Migration of ECOWAS Citizens into Nigeria

APAS Conference, 2019

Ngozi L O U I S Uzomah

This paper examines the determinants and processes of cross-border migration of ECOWAS citizens into Nigeria. Data were gotten using open and close ended questionnaire surveys which were administered on 462 ECOWAS migrants based on chain referral approach and were analysed by descriptive analysis, mapping and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Descriptive analysis revealed that 66.02% of them were males while 33.98% were females. Mapping of migration flows showed that in theperiod under study (before 1984 to 2017), the highest migration flows were from the nearby countries of Benin, Togo and Niger which ranged from 9.31% to 30.30% for Benin and Togo and from 7.11% to 9.30% for Niger. However, in 1984 and earlier, there were more migrants from Ghana (21.22% to 45.45%) than any other country in the region. The PCA extracted a total of7 components from 18 variables and these 7 components accounted for 70.037% of the total variance. Socio-political factor with an eigen value of14.358 was discovered to be the most significant factor of the migration. Other factors of cross-border migration included inadequate infrastructure and public services, economic, ethno-cultural ties and family and social connections. Based on the findings, recommendations were made, such as curbing illegal migration and selective migration policy in Nigeria; providing adequate infrastructure and improving agriculture and economy of origin countries; and conflict prevention in the ECOWAS region.


Role of Political Scientists in Promoting Electoral Integrity

Okpanachi L Odiji





Impacts of Rural Banditry on Northern Nigeria's Development

PAD-JOURNAL: Multi-disciplinary Journal of the Department of Public Administration ISSN: 2579-1087, 2024

Mohammed I. S.

This paper examines the impacts of rural banditry on Northern Nigeria drive for development. Banditry, especially in rural areas has become a major threat to Nigeria's national security that is nearly overwhelming the Nigerian state authorities capability. Northern Nigeria is the worst hit by these acts of rural banditry. Thousands of rural families have been broken, dispossessed of their properties and cattle, killed, kidnapped for ransom, displaced and a more hostile and unsecured environment and socioeconomic and ethno-religious harmony disoriented. The bandits have in many rural areas of Northern Nigeria established near parallel state authorities, thereby imposing fines and levies on individuals and communities. In some others, women are being raped, children turned to orphans, wives turned to widows, traditional, educational and religious institutions displaced, while the able-bodied men are being killed and or forced on migration to other safer areas. These have cumulatively resulted in ravaging poverty, insecurity, increased unemployment, escalating ethno-religious tension among the areas, and near break in socio-communal and interreligious ties and bonds. Security agencies have become overloaded with ever increasing number and cases of bandits and banditry, while arms, especially small and light are in high proliferation among the common and bad elements, especially in these rural areas. The paper adopts qualitative method of study with secondary data obtained from diverse sources of literature and or data. Recommendations are made, including proactive approach, reduction in poverty and unemployment, stiff control on arms possession, tighter borders and migration controls, and enforcement of social justice among Nigerians.


Youth Unemployment and Electoral Malpractices in Nigeria

Nigerian journal of sociology and anthropology, 2017

Dr. Monica E Akokuwebe





Just as purposeful, efficient or forthright public service is a reliable prescription for stability and survival of every country, unbridled fraudulent activities in public service slow down the pace of a country’s development. More so, excessive corruption in public service often leads a country into state of destitution while its people groan for survival. To lessen corruption in Nigerian public service, administrative law guides administration and controls public authorities. This paper interrogated effects and challenges of administrative law on corruption reduction in Nigerian public service. The paper is theoretically based. It utilised secondary materials and descriptive methods for analysis. Adopting the Doctrine of Rule of Law as a theoretical framework, effective use of administrative law was identified as an appropriate measure for reducing corruption in twenty-first century Nigerian public service. However, the effects of administrative law on corruption reduction in twenty-first century Nigerian public service were found not effective. Among others, institutional corruption, lopsided law enforcement, power struggle, disrespect to rules, despotic use of incumbency power and desperation to retain political power anyhow were identified as albatross to administrative law efforts to reduce corruption in Nigerian public service. The paper concluded that the effects of administrative law on corruption reduction in twenty-first century Nigerian public service will be ineffective as long as the ruling elites are unwilling to govern for public interest with culture of justice, rule of law, transparency and accountability in twenty-first century Nigeria. The paper among others, recommended that desperation to grab political power at any cost by cutting corner should no longer be allowed. Also, the Nigerian ruling class shouldsubsume their private interest for public interest in governance and embrace rule of law.


Religion and Boko Haram insurgency in Ngeria: Implications for national development

austin Omomia


Godfatherism and Political Violence in Anambra State, Nigeria

Kene Efobi


Current Curriculum Vitae of Prof Sam O Smah 2022

Prof. Sam O. Smah , 2022

Prof Sam Smah

Academic and professional qualifications: He has received advanced academic training and holds a doctorate degree in Sociology and Criminology from the University of Jos, Nigeria and is a Sociology Professor of Criminology, Criminal Justice administration and Security Studies since the past 15years. As a professional in the fields of forensic investigation and criminal intelligence, he earned an advanced diploma from the International Academy of Forensics, with specialisations in background investigation, due diligence, and compliance, questioned document examination and aspects of digital and biometric forensics. He earned an online Certificate in Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (AADR) from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Geneva-Switzerland. He is a Fellow of the International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals USA, Inc (FCFIP) and as well a Certified Forensic Investigation Professional (CFIP) with skill sets in anti-corruption assessment, fraud prevention


Reengineering Nigeria for Sustainable Development: Options, Costs and Prospects

Re-Engineering Nigeria for Sustainable Development: Options, Costs and Prospects, 2023

Isaac Albert

This monograph reflects critically on the challenges of sustainable development in Nigeria and how to respond to them.


African Security Review Causal analysis of radical Islamism in northern Nigeria's Fourth Republic

Gbemisola Animasawun

This article attempts an agential explanation of the raison d’eˆ tre for Jama’atu AhlisSunna Lidda’awati wal Jihad, also known as Boko Haram (meaning Westerneducation is forbidden), an Islamist sect that came to public consciousness in2009 after the extra-judicial killing of its leader. Conceptualising Nigeria as a weakstate, the article identifies the failed prebendal relationship between politicians innorthern Nigeria and members of Boko Haram, and the extra-judicial killing on30 July 2009 of Mohammed Yusuf, as agential causations of the current wave ofradical Islamism. The article argues for the need to transcend the orthodoxinterpretation of the current wave of Islamist terrorism being demonstrated by theNigerian state to a more nuanced approach that pays attention to the essentialist,psychological, political and economic perspectives of Islamist terrorism at thestructural and individual levels.


At War against Itself: Religious Identity, Militancy and Growing Insecurity in Northern Nigeria

Daniel E Agbiboa (DPhil. Oxon. MPhil. Cantab)

This paper critically examines the uneasy nexus between religious identity and spiralling violence in contemporary northern Nigeria. This nexus is illustrated with the ongoing militancy of Boko Haram, the radical Islamist group from north-eastern Nigeria whose avowed aim is to rid the country of its corrupt government and create an Islamic state governed by Sharia. The paper shows how a spate of increasingly sophisticated attacks against churches and state security forces (since 2009) suggests not only growing foreign support, but also indicates a strategy of provocation through which Boko Haram seeks to spark large scale sectarian conflict that will strike at the foundations of Nigeria. This paper attributes the failure of the Nigerian state to deal effectively with religious militancy to its overdependence on coercion for compliance in lieu of authority. The conclusion offers recommendations on how to mitigate the ongoing problem of religious militancy and sectarianism in (Northern) Nigeria.


Matthew Ogali



Omaka Ngele


WAUU Articles Vol 4 No 2 Oct 2024- (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.