To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (2024)

Alanna Kelloggsaid...

Thanks, Helen, it was great to have a trusted 'go to guy' for this question. Just fyi, mostly, food bloggers know me from A Veggie Venture.

2/27/2006 5:27 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (1)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (2)


I knew it! My mother and I have been arguing about this for years. Thanks for clearing up our disagreement (I can't wait to tell her!)

2/28/2006 12:45 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (3)
Erin Eatssaid...

It makes sense that simply cooking the fish/meat would kill bacteria far more efficiently than rinsing it, yet I've been rinsing it for years. Here's my kick in the pants to pay attention to logic :)

2/28/2006 4:56 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (4)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (5)


Don't worry guys, you are not alone. I've been rinsing fish and meat religiously until I started working in a restaurant and realized that they don't rinse anything.

If you are looking for an intuitive explanation of why you don't need to rinse, think about this -- you don't rinse ground meat, right? It probably never even occured to you to rinse ground beef, pork, or chicken because the water would get into it, and it'd be impossible to dry properly. So you see, you've been eating unrinsed meat and poultry your whole life. Since you are still here, we'll assume it is safe :)


2/28/2006 5:04 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (6)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (7)


Hi Helen,

Just discovered your blog today, and I love it!

I have a further question: many recipes call for salting fish (filets, steaks, whole, the works!) and then rinsing, before cooking. Most of the recipes I get by word-of-mouth also include this step. Important? Relevant? Or just as useless as plain old rinsing?


7/31/2007 7:48 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (8)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (9)


Hi Miriam,

Hmm, the only recipe I know of that calls for salting then rinsing is gravlax where the salmon is cured in a huge amount of salt. Though I wouldn't rinse even that and just pat it dry with paper towels. Generally, salting and then rinsing is not a good idea. You should definitely salt fish, meat, chicken, etc before cooking, but don't rinse the salt off or it defeats the purpose of salting.


7/31/2007 1:47 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (10)

I don't know where you buy your meat and fish, but if it's wrapped in celophane, both meat and fish develop a gelantinous coating which makes it hard to handle in preparing. Rinsing while rubbing gently gets rid of this coating. Thats why our mothers did it. Sometimes a meat can have a odur that comes from this coating, but once washed off is no longer present.

8/16/2007 1:58 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (11)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (12)


Hi Warrior,

I don't often buy prepackaged meat, fish, and poultry, but when I do, I just wipe that gelatinous coating off with paper towels.


8/16/2007 7:44 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (13)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (14)


One thing to consider is that chops tend to have a fine coating of tiny bone fragments that I guess could be rinsed off, but I tend to scrape the surface with a knife held at an angle to the meat. Sometimes there is also an errant scale or whatever on fish as well.

12/05/2007 10:20 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (15)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (16)


this is a great blog. Thanks for all your suggestions -very practical and profound. I am a huge fan of fish and poultry (do not eat beef, pork, etc). I found your fish market suggestions very helpful- where do you buy fresh poultry in Boston? Pls let us know- my husband and me- we both miss the simple and fresh poultry we used to eat back home (India)!

7/09/2008 3:00 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (17)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (18)


Hi Sudesna,

I don't eat much chicken, but when I do, I get it at Russo's and either buy Bell Evans or D'artagnan. both of these brands are available at many butchers (Savenor's, John Dewars, etc).

By the way, thanks for your input on fresh vs. frozen fish debate. It's always great understand the science behind it :)


7/09/2008 6:22 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (19)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (20)


I rinse fish to get the slime off. Surely you don't mean to suggest that rinsing fish is unnecessary. My fish is very high quality and fresh (I live in Alaska) but it still needs a rinse.

7/11/2008 1:35 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (21)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (22)


Actually, I do mean that you don't need to rinse fish. I only rinse whole fish to get the blood out of the cavity, but I hear even that's not necessary. It's just a cultural preference. In US, we like to rinse proteins, in France they don't (they would never let water touch the fish). Whether you rinse or not, the most important thing is to dry it very thoroughly on paper towels (this will also get rid of the slime :) Cooking a damp fish (or any protein) doesn't work.

7/11/2008 11:39 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (23)

You have liberated me! :) Come to think of it, I don't even know if my mother washed her I actually have no idea why I do!

7/16/2008 11:43 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (24)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (25)


my husband said so too. :)
hi, i really appreciate your site!

7/22/2008 7:01 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (26)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (27)


I'm a cookbook editor, and we were all having this very discussion some time back. I'm no sanitation freak, but I rinse previously frozen fish and chicken because I assume the packing companies freeze them with liquid that isn't pure H2O but includes other chemicals. I don't know this for sure, and probably wouldn't get a straight answer if I asked, but it seems like a safe assumption.

8/04/2008 10:22 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (28)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (29)


Actually, I always rinse chicken because that allows me to get rid of extra fat, the slimy film, pieces of bone that are left from butchering, and feathers that might still be left in the skin. (I like leaving the skin on while cooking because I think it keeps chicken moist and delicious, but usually remove it afterward.)
I also rinse fish because there are always scales on the meat side.
Using a paper towel spreads just as much bacteria as a potential water droplet, unless you're careful. So I use the paper towels to dry the meats and use a bleach-based kitchen cleaner to get rid of bacteria.

12/04/2008 10:56 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (30)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (31)


Goodness gracious.... I hope to high heaven Anna means she uses a bleach-based cleaners to remove bacteria from her surrounding (potentially 'splashed') work areas!?

6/18/2009 6:30 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (32)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (33)


I live on a tight budget and therefore tend to buy frozen fish and poultry. I haven't noticed with my fish (the packaging states to cook from frozen in the oven, but I'm going to try something else because it keeps turning out as white mush) When I defrost chicken breasts I always rinse to get rid of the layer of slime which is thicker than with fresh chicken. I find using paper towels to wipe the chicken clean leaves bits of the towel behind so I end up rinsing it anyways!

6/13/2010 3:11 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (34)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (35)


So glad you are warning not to rinse meat and fish (particularly chicken though) as this really does spread the risk of bacterial contamination.
So many people do this from habit and it is a bad practice.
Just found the blog and find it very interesting and informative.
Thanks you.

7/04/2010 6:45 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (36)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (37)


I do always wash scallops to get rid of grains of sand that they seem to always have.

5/13/2011 11:00 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (38)

I am guessing that this originates from the days when the fish was caught by the household cooking it, and the fillets were washed to remove and blood or dirt. As some one who usually catches my own fish I do always rinse the freshly cut fillets for this reason.

7/08/2011 7:36 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (39)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (40)


When I clean my chicken, I do wash it with water mixed with lemon or something, so it takes away the chicken smell

8/10/2012 9:37 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (41)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (42)


Hello, I'm probably coming late to the game here but I had a question about cold smoked salmon. Should we rinse it before eating even though it's already cold smoked? It comes out of the air sealed package very oily but I'm not sure if this is OK to eat directly or not. Maybe you recommend to again use a paper towel to get the excess off?

12/02/2012 1:34 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (43)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (44)


I wouldn't rinse. The juice around smokes salmon is perfectly safe to eat, but if it's unpleasant, use a paper towel.

12/02/2012 8:30 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (45)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (46)

pal ashfordsaid...

I know I'm late to this post but the reason I rinse my fish, poultry, lamb, etc. (obviously not ground beef as it's virtually impossible to rinse) or ANY food that I have handled, is to wash off the fat that I've cut off it or the bones I've had to remove, in case I missed some lying on top. When I buy chicken thighs, which I love (breasts are way too dry) there's lots of fat on it that needs to be trimmed and its a mess once its done and needs to be rinsed. The same for other foods that one is "cleaning", meaning trimming off fat, etc. Once rinsed, yes, you have to pat it dry, especially if you're searing a salmon, water it the enemy to a good seae, but I have to disagree about not rinsing after trimming meat, any meat. Especially when you're removing loose scales from a salmon with skin or removing worms from COD, there must be a rinsing off from the debris that's created from the prep you've performed. BTW I just discovered your blog and love it as it's been very helpful with me eating more fish now due to being on the Mediterranean diet. I'm trying to lower my BP and cholesterol naturally so I can get off these annoying meds they put me on. Thanks for all you do, Helen.

7/17/2013 12:21 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (47)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (48)


I just read (in an other blog) that you should SOAK salmon in saltwater to get rid of the slime. The blog did not specify how long the salmon should be soaked, but I assume that patting dry with papertowels would still apply. In your opinion is soaking the same as rinsing? Laurie

10/16/2013 3:21 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (49)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (50)


Soaking in salt water is called brining. If some blog told you that you do it to get rid of slime, that's wrong. You brine salmon for 2 reasons: even seasoning and preventing the white foam from leaching out of it during cooking. That white foam is the albumin protein (the same as in the egg whites and it looks the same too -- white opaque stuff). Brining will not completely eliminate albumin coagulation, but it will reduce it. After brining anything you dry it off thoroughly on paper towels. If it's wet, it will stick and won't brown. Brining has some benefits. Rinsing has none.

If you are brining, keep in mind that the exact salt content and duration matter. For salmon, try 6% salt to water ratio by weight and keep salmon in that solution for 30 minutes.

Salting ahead (at least 1 and up to 24 hours) will accomplish similar results as brining. When salting ahead, dry your protein off before cooking.

10/16/2013 9:25 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (51)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (52)

Mr andersonsaid...

I rinse fish, chicken,,pork not because of bacteria but for the excess goop from the slaughtering n food handling process.

There's nothing wrong with rinsing it then drying it thoroughly than not washing it. Why would you want a layer of junk before putting on some rub or spices.

Plus who knows what's on the piece of meat or fish that will rinse off with a good wash. It only takes a minute so what's the big deal anyways?

11/07/2014 8:38 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (53)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (54)


There is no big deal :) If you dry it thoroughly, washing is fine. But the reason it's covered in goop is not a butchering process, but vacuum sealing and chilling poultry in water. The birds I buy are air chilled, so they are not covered in goop. The only thing I wanted people to understand from this post is that washing proteins doesn't make them any safer to eat.

11/07/2014 11:32 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (55)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (56)


Lol I've been rinsing my ground beef and drying it

5/24/2015 11:26 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (57)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (58)


I use salt and lime

5/24/2015 11:35 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (59)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (60)


My understanding was that the purpose of rinsing or washing fish before cooking was to remove smell.

Having recently been told that "they" (that is, I suppose, people who know a lot more and do a lot better at cooking than do I) say it's bad to rinse fish, I thought I would look in to the matter. However, it seems that my understanding was correct and is based on sound chemistry:

Of course, it's clear that if one doesn't mind the smell, then there's no reason to try to get rid of it.

7/01/2015 10:19 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (61)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (62)


If you buy chicken from mass producers, I would recommend washing and drying it. It is adamant in removing the chemical taste. While I would prefer to purchase it free range organic, budget does not usually allow this. From experience, the formaldehyde-like taste is removed from washing. Fish doesn't require this.

7/17/2015 9:30 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (63)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (64)


Don't you remove the health benefits of the blood and slime, if you wash though?

Heh, I'm having a debate with my mom right now; she's like "You have to wash fish, meat, etc before cooking!" I'm like, what's the point? Since I'm gonna boil the meats up or cook it on the pan with medium high heat, it's gonna kill the pathogens anyways and the beneficial nutrients from the natural slime will remain intact and cooked..

Our ways of cooking are sometimes getting in the way of each other sometimes.. frequently leads into arguments.. -_-

1/21/2016 2:43 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (65)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (66)


Hi guys and girls, I'm against rinsing meats especially fish, but someone will ask a question and says, chicken from the slaughter house, transporting to butchers and dealing with them with their hands , some of them they go to the washroom and even they don't wash their hands plus the come I don't wash my whole chicken before I cook it and then I clean my sink with a hot water and soap? Cooking will kill all the bacteria , but the dirt is dirt.

1/22/2016 6:10 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (67)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (68)


LOL. I did that the first time I cooked it as well and my mum couldn't stop laughing at me 😆

2/19/2016 9:11 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (69)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (70)


Unfortunately, I can't get over washing my meats but not only with water...who rinse thEirik meats?! I use lemon, vinegar, and/or best bitter orange in the water. 1) kills the slimy texture of the meat and 2) rids any unwanted smells...
This is the norm in Caribbean countries and remember these acidic agents are also used to cook the meat and protect from any unwanted bacteria. But this is not recommended if you feel comfortable with the way the food is handledoing before reaching your table.
This practice is fading out and THAT is very unfortunate!!

6/01/2016 6:48 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (71)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (72)


She's right...wash! With an acidic agent. NOT rinse.

6/01/2016 6:49 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (73)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (74)


That's right...mostly rinsing meats is the focus here not washing meats or brining seafood.

6/01/2016 6:53 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (75)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (76)


what is the result of fish after washing?
for example for making tinapa fish ?
thank you...

7/25/2016 6:24 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (77)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (78)


When I rinse my fresh salmon the sink fills up with white bubbles. What is the chemical that is sprayed on it? It gives me leg cramps?

8/06/2016 10:28 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (79)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (80)


I don't believe the salmon I buy has anything sprayed on it. But sodium trypolyphosphate is a common preservative used in scallops.

8/06/2016 1:33 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (81)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (82)


My mum used to wash fish with tumeric, salt and lime to get rid of the slime and the fishy smell. Tumeric is supposed to be a disinfectant. We didn't get any stomach upsets after eating my mum's fish. I wonder if this practice is ok?

12/15/2016 7:27 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (83)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (84)


Of course this practice is ok :) You can wash the fish with whatever you want, but it doesn't make it any safer to eat. Cooking kills all pathogens, so you won't get an upset stomach from cooked fish whether you washed it or not. Also, fresh fish shouldn't have a fishy smell.

12/15/2016 8:29 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (85)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (86)


some fishing companies are adding a 'cornstarch glaze' to the fillet when freezing. Can it be rinsed off if one is allergic to corn?

1/19/2017 12:42 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (87)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (88)


I haven't heard of this practice. Sodium Trypolyphosphate is often added, but I haven't heart of cornstarch glaze. If you are allergic to it, rinsing it off won't be sufficient. Buy fish that's not previously frozen. If buying frozen fish, read ingredients on the label. Any additives will be listed.

1/19/2017 2:10 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (89)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (90)


I wash my meat but am careful not to allow water to splash and cause surface contamination...but I do wash surfaces afterward despite being careful. Meat, especially with bone seems to have bone grit from the butching process. I don't want that in my gravy, it falls through the strainer. I have also seen the inside of butchering's impossible to fast and careful at the same time. My meat is always delicious and cooked to perfection. I also rinse out the inside f the chicken when I remove the giblets and of course the outside gets washed at the same time. Again I am careful. Meat or poultry stays low and I di not use a sprayer.

2/19/2018 9:05 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (91)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (92)


Yes! I bought frozen salmon and after defrosting, the bloody water smelled less than desirable. I rinsed it with water and rubbed with lemon and that did the trick:)

1/01/2020 9:01 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (93)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (94)


It is disgusting and nasty to not rinse n clean your meats, poultry, fish before cooking. All types of bacteria and germs are on the meats. We are a very sanitary and clean cooking family. I watch tons of cooking shows and my daughter and I go to cooking classes for fun as a hobby. From my great grandmother to my daughter, we thoroughly rinse in water, then let chicken or pork sit for 1 min in water n apple cider vinegar or fish sits in lemon juice n water for 1 min. We dry all meats w paper towels, rub lightly w a lil oil of choice, olive oil, vegetable oil, sesame seed oil. Then we season and cook. Soemtimes we tenderize it or marinate overnite in seasonings. It is always delicious, not harmful, clean and healthy. I would never serve unclean meats to me family. Any coordinated person is able to rinse food without splashing all over the place. You should be disinfecting your kitchen surfaces throughout the cooking process anyways! Laziness = nastiness.

6/03/2020 9:16 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (95)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (96)


I rinse fish that has the skin still attached. The skin, especially on fish like salmon, produce a slime. This is why some fish you buy or get at a restaurant sometimes tastes 'fishy.' It was most likely froze/packaged with skin to meat. As an avid salmon fishermen in the pacific northwest, you know this is a no no. When I fillet, clean, and vacuum seal the fish, I am careful to never let skin touch meat. The slime will leach out while thawing, and could get on the meat in bags. Fish that's not rinsed and gets cooked with a slime coating tastes fishy. Idk about what it does for bacteria though. All about taste.

10/24/2021 10:15 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (97)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (98)


Yes, of course, it's ok to eat. you don't need to rinse them.

9/24/2022 2:44 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (99)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (100)


For heaven’s sakes heat kills germs! Go vegetarian if it’s such an issue. I bet you’re all not that careful with everything.

2/01/2023 5:35 PMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (101)

To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (102)


I’m going to RINSE my MEATS FOREVER Always have 40 + yrs.. for splashes OBVIOUSLY u use disinfect, bleach, etc to clean sink & surfaces this practice have Worked for grandparents moms great aunts etc‼️

10/30/2023 6:37 AMTo rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (103)
To rinse or not to rinse: that is the question (2024)


Is it necessary to rinse out recyclables? ›

Do we need to rinse items before they go in the recycling? These are important questions, especially when we want to save water for more important uses. The answer is no, residents do not need to rinse recyclables with water before placing in the recycling.

Do you have to clean out peanut butter jars before recycling? ›

Plastic peanut butter jars are accepted in curbside recycling or at the drop-off locations listed below. Jars should be empty and dry. Jars do not need to be spotless, but the majority of food should be cleaned from the jar. Soaking the jar in water is a good way to loosen stuck-on food.

Do glass jars need to be cleaned before recycling? ›

You don't need to scrub those plastic and glass containers with soap and water to make them clean enough to eat off of. But taking a moment to give them a rinse, even if it's just with dishwater runoff, will ensure that they end up getting processed.

How clean is clean enough for recycling? ›

Recyclables don't have to be dishwasher clean. Empty them out, give it a quick rinse, shake off the water and voila! You are good to go!

Do clothes need to be washed before recycling? ›

Please note that clothes, shoes and textiles do not have to be in a good condition to be recycled.

Should you flatten plastic bottles for recycling? ›

According to a recent MRF Material Flow Study, flattening bottles can lead to improper sortation, and they may end up in the paper stream. Retaining a 3D form can help containers be successfully sorted.

Do I need to take labels off jars before recycling? ›

Your cans, bottles and foil trays need a quick rinse - maybe swill them out at the end of the washing up - then they're ready to recycle. This stops any residue contaminating other materials, or smells building up. There's no need to remove any labels.

Should you crush milk cartons before recycling? ›

First, empty the carton, but don't flatten it. If the carton has a straw, tuck the straw inside. If it has a cap, screw the cap back on before recycling so it doesn't become separated and turn into litter.

Should I leave lids on jars when recycling? ›

How to recycle glass. Empty and give a quick rinse - leftover liquid can contaminate other recyclables which may mean they aren't recycled. Put lids and caps back on - this reduces the chance of them getting lost during the sorting process as they can be recycled separately.

Do you rinse pop cans before recycling? ›

Yes; or you can wipe containers with a soiled paper towel or napkin. Please empty all food residue and liquids from your food containers, cans, bottles, and jars before tossing them in your recycling container.

Should you wash plastic containers before use? ›

Should I wash new plastic food containers before using them? It's unlikely that plastic food containers will be sterilised before they are packaged, so you should always wash new products to be safe. See our advice on hand-washing or putting them in the dishwasher.

Do laundry detergent bottles need to be rinsed before recycling? ›

Don't worry! It is not necessary to wash these containers to get rid of the soapy residue. As a matter of fact, it might benefit some recyclers if you leave the soapy residue in the container.

What happens if you don't rinse your recycling? ›

For a successful recycling process, recyclables must remain uncontaminated. Even one dirty ketchup bottle or milk carton can spoil otherwise perfectly recyclable items in your bin, in the collection truck and at the recycling processing center. If these residues seep onto any paper, the paper becomes unrecyclable.

What are common recycling mistakes? ›

Grease and dampness on cardboard or 1/2 filled bottles of soda can turn the entire bin into trash. Or if you have items like mayonnaise, shampoo, or peanut butter, these can gum up the recycling machinery and create an even larger issue for the recycling facility.

Should I empty my recycling bin? ›

Cleaning out your recycle bin opens up space on your hard drive and helps your computer run faster and more efficiently. So, the bottom line is that you should take out the trash in a timely manner.

Why do we have to sort out recyclables? ›

Too many contaminants can render the end product unusable thus wasting resources. If the processor deems our collected materials as excessively contaminated they can reject the load and it will end up in a landfill. Better quality recyclables yield better prices and lowers the cost of the recycling to the County.

Do I need to remove labels before recycling? ›

Labels and Recycling

However, most local recycling centers do not require that you remove labels from a product prior to tossing it in a recycling bin. Heat during the recycling process ensures that paper labels and glue are burned away from containers, whether they are cans, glass, or plastic bottles.

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.