Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (2024)


01/6Easy hacks to set the perfect curd in winters

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (1)Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (2)

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Setting curd during winters is indeed a task, as the intensity of winter season increases, the chances of curd not setting increases. On most days you find your curd either too watery or not set at all. If you too deal with such issues during the chilly season, here are some life-saving hacks for you. The below given tips will help you set the perfect thick curd, even during winters.


02/6​Why is it difficult to set curd in winters?

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (3)

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (4)Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (5)

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Usually the drop in temperatures makes the task of setting curd difficult. The winter temperature is cold enough to make the warm milk cold quickly, which interferes with the process. That’s why you might have seen your mothers wrapping a towel or cloth around the curd container to retain the warm temperature of milk for long. During summers, it takes just 5-7 hours but in winters it might even take as long as 12 hours.


03/6​Casserole method

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (6)

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (7)Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (8)

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The best way to set curd in winters is by using the casserole method. Casseroles are designed to retain heat and will keep the milk warm for long. Firstly boil the milk and let it cool down a bit. Now add 1-2 tbsp milk powder and mix well (if you are using full-fat milk, skip this step). Then mix 1 tbsp curd starter and whisk the milk properly. Now pour the milk in the casserole and keep it in an undisturbed place till it sets.

Another way of setting the curd is by pouring the milk in your curd-setting container and then keeping the container in the casserole. Add some warm water in the casserole and keep it aside. The casserole will retain the warmth of the water for sometime, which will further keep the milk warm and help it set faster.


04/6​Right temperature of milk

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (9)

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (10)Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (11)

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Usually the temperature of milk determines how well your curd will set. Too cold or too hot temperature can make the curd setting process tougher. Firstly boil your milk properly and switch off the flame. Once the boiled milk cools down to 20 per cent, then the milk is ready to be set. Half kg milk will easily be set with around 1 tbsp of curd. Make sure you mix the culture curd well with the milk before letting it rest.


05/6​Whole green chilli method

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (12)

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (13)Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (14)

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Firstly let the milk boil and let it cool down to 20%. Pour the milk in the container you usually use to set curd. Now add the 1 tbsp culture (already set curd) and whisk it well in the milk. Now wash a green chilli, pat it dry and drop it in the milk. Make sure the stem of the green chilli is still attached to it. Now cover the container with the lid and keep it undisturbed in a corner. You can also wrap a towel around the container, to maintain the temperature, especially during winters.


06/6​Duration of setting curd

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (15)

Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (16)Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (17)

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While in a warm climate, the curd will take around 4 to 7 hours, while it will take a bit longer in winters. In a cool climate it can easily take around 8 to 10 hours. Make sure the temperature of the milk before setting the curd is warm enough during winters, otherwise the curd won’t set properly.


Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (18)

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Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters (2024)


Tips for Thick Curd: Useful tips to help set curd in winters? ›

The best way to set curd in winters is by using the casserole method. Casseroles are designed to retain heat and will keep the milk warm for long. Firstly boil the milk and let it cool down a bit. Now add 1-2 tbsp milk powder and mix well (if you are using full-fat milk, skip this step).

How to set curd during winter? ›

The best way to set curd in winters is by using the casserole method. Casseroles are designed to retain heat and will keep the milk warm for long. Firstly boil the milk and let it cool down a bit. Now add 1-2 tbsp milk powder and mix well (if you are using full-fat milk, skip this step).

Why is curd not forming in winter? ›

In this warmth the micro organisms present in the curd starts reproducing quickly thus making more of its kind. Whereas in winter the cold atmosphere reduces the Reproduction of lactobacillus so curd takes time to set in winter as compared to Summers.

What is the best material to set curd in? ›

If you do not have an earthen pot, curd can be set in steel, ceramic and glass utensils. Keep in mind that after setting the curd, keep changing the vessel every four to five days, otherwise, the curd can spoil soon. If you live outside and do not have a fridge, store the curd in an airtight container or bottle.

Why is the curd not setting? ›

Dahi does not set well if you use less starter for hom*ogenized milk. On the other hand, non hom*ogenized milk needs less starter as they tend to set well and faster. Adding more will make your curd sour. So adjust the amount of starter accordingly.

What helps in setting of curd? ›

The microbes present in the curd help in setting if the temperature of the mixture remains approximately between 35°C to 40°C. At places, where room temperature remains much below the range, the setting of curd becomes difficult.

How many hours to set curd? ›

The time that the milk takes to convert into curd depends on the temperature. In a warm, hot and humid climate, the time taken for the curd to set will be 4 to 7 hours. Whereas in a cool or cold climate, the time taken can be 8 to 12 hours.

Why are my curds not forming? ›


This is often caused by improper temperatures; either you used UHT (Ultra High Temperature) pasteurized milk or your curds got too hot when you were preparing for the stretching stage, or they didn't get hot enough. The temperature of the curds before stretching should be 160° to 170°F.

Why is my curd not thick? ›

Trouble shooting: Most Lemon Curds are runny because they don't get cooked long enough, to 170 degrees F, to thicken the egg yolks – so cook on! If your curd isn't thickened after 10 minutes, or up to 15 if using a double boiler, then increase the temperature of the stove slightly – and don't stop whisking!

Does curd set in cold milk? ›

If the milk is cold, then the curd won't set at all in the winters. It is very important to dissolve the curd culture uniformly in the milk. Whisk very well with a spoon or a wired whisk. Once the curd is set then refrigerate for a couple of days.

How do you fix curd that didn't set? ›

Remember that curd will thicken more once cooled. If your cooled curd is not thick enough, you can reheat it to thicken. Put it over a low heat, stirring constantly. Ensure it coats the back of a spoon before taking it off the heat.

How do you thicken curd? ›

To thicken runny lemon curd, put the curd back into your saucepan, place over the lowest possible heat, and stir constantly. The curd will thin out at first as the butter melts, but it will eventually begin to thicken back up.

What not to add in curd? ›

* Do not mix your curd with fruits as it is a channel blocker incompatible food. Long-time consumption would trigger metabolic issues and allergies. * Curd is incompatible with meat and fish. Any combination of curd cooked along with meats such as chicken, mutton, or fish will produce toxins in the body.

How do you fix failed curd? ›

Here are a few ways you can thicken your yogurt.
  1. Strain out whey until desired consistency. ...
  2. Add powdered milk/unflavored gelatin/pectin/tapioca starch to your mixture and ferment like usual. ( ...
  3. Increase the fat content by either adding 1/2 & 1/2 or heavy cream. ...
  4. Use whole fat milk.

What is the main cause of curd setting late? ›

Curd is basically made of lactic acid, which is created by mixing warm milk and some curd. Since, the temperature in winters is on the lower side, it slows down the bacterial activity,which makes it difficult to form curd.

How to thicken dahi? ›

It's important to heat the milk slowly to make a creamy yogurt. Heating the milk too quickly will create a grainy texture. By doing so, you allow the proteins in the milk to denature, which in turn forms a stronger network when exposed to acid. This way, you can master how to make yogurt thicker.

Can we set curd in cold milk? ›

In winters or cold climates ensure that you are not adding curd culture to milk that has cooled down. If the milk is cold, then the curd won't set at all in the winters.

Does curd set faster in summer than in winter? ›

Curd units quicker in warm summer than in winter due to the fact the bacteria need heat to turn the milk into curd. So, in the summertime, the temperature is hotter which helps the bacteria to double faster than in winters.

How do you set curd without a starter? ›

Take lukewarm milk in a bowl and squeeze out juice of half a lemon into the milk. Give a gentle stir and cover the bowl with a lid. Wrap it with a cotton cloth and set it aside for 12 hours. Wrapping the bowl with a cloth will keep the bowl warm for longer.

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