The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

1 I I 1 I I 7 r. cl it I ec in fo jc ex on 99 4 Ic Ire JLc wt tin me xnc the fro Ixr the jec lin ed. mil and Tar rea Till nor nec to the Kin out the Ti tl St ro Hi Be at: tr me ci I). I er At ir x. au jo re ac as 1 A ii ii i ATTJK.DAY STKXI3TG, ATJO 3, 1884.

LAGNIAPPE. HOW OLD! Bow old la Mary Anderson That people eau her queen la she. like food Vic tori, One hundred and thirteen I Oh! no; my son, about aa old Aa I vm at her age But people nerer grow who go Play acting on the stage." "And tho boy preaener Harrlaon, use so youthful, then! And does fee wear short Jacket now Like me and Cousin Ben MOn! no; my son, although his age Is rather hard to ax I heard him preach in Louisville In eighteen forty six." And the 'child then, The youngest star alive "Great Boott I lie played with Ole Bull In eighteen twenty five." IB, J.BurdttU. Bev. Joseph Cook ealla hlmaelx a panda nomnaUenallst.

What a rreat manr other people eall him doesn't make sac a a whole sale inroaa into tne alphabet. Xorr. Ber A eock fight took plaoe on a steamer la Dublin Bay to escape Interruption by the police. We knew taey had co*ckpits on a man of war, bat were ignorant of there be ing any on a ateamer. Brooklyn Time.

a is ioto mat makes the world go rvua exoiaimea tne mimea man, waose wife bad chased him around the room till toe waua seemea to spia like the many skirts of a ballet girl ia a fourth el asa opara. When the last eall of the House was ordered Mr. Cox said: 4 Let us die with decorum." And with this awful pun lower lug like a black eloud above Its record, the first aeasloa of the Forty eighth Congress passed away. Uatcktye. "Jones la miserly man.

but Is very fleaeant." said Brown. "Yea," replied mlth, but It Is his miserliness that makes him pleasant." How's that "Why, don't yon see, he hates to lose anything, and therefore keeps his temper." Sow er ville Journal. And sow they talk of running a woman for Parliament In England. There will be some llTely debates In the House of Commons If ahe gets In, and we are rather Inclined to think the side she espouses will always bare the last word In an argument. Xoweli Citizen.

"Did yon eave my poem on 'Sonny Smiles I asked the new contributor, anxiously. Te es," replied the good editor. In an evasive expression of voloe, ye ea 11 was saved eared ao as by fire. I And the new contributor aat still a long, time. He really wanted the poem, but somehow ho ha tea to ask for It.

And tho good editor went on writing a long article on tho tariff and textile fabrics. JJaxckeye. Maud "Oh, how I do hate that girl!" John Ton certainly do not mean that brilliant Miss Hansom "Indeed I do; ahe is just to horrid for anything." "But you last this moment kissed Well, had a cood ehance and could not resist the temptation 1 hate her so." Be ally, Maud you speak in riddles." "Do you see that oral sallow spot full of ugly brown freckles nex rgni eneexi" way, so there Is. what a fearful disfigurement 1 Bat atrange I did not notice It before." waa not there before; I just kissed Tanktoa 17 Daisy, Clinton, K. J.

DEPABTUBES THIS DAY. It fioAi use orncE, 8atnrday, Aug. 1884. Is "It the powaer on." vail. "What a darned foggy, smoky old plaoe this la, anyhow," said a Boston man who was visiting Cincinnati for the first time.

Why, It Isnt so bad as all that, I hope 1" apologised his host. "Tea It Is. It's worse. Why, 1 couldn't see daylight this morning until 11 o'clock." Ahem um xvjiueu uo uiiouuuq man, aigninoantiy old you get that note I sent around to you last sight when you started out with the hoa No what note Oh, only a brief one to the effect that yon mustn't mix whisky with Cincinnati beer." The Boston man has been able to see daylight earlier since ui nxsi nigns out. XAW pw WATO DT THB aiVXBa imkebHfM la Um boon adlu a I Waatlagioa tuaa, Fxldar.

aiij. awn unaBgee. Aanrsx low wm tax. lose. jlT Chattaseoga 6 flnfrtnnsg 5 Davenports.

Ihibaqas 4 Keokuk a sVeavenwnhM14 IilttleSoekM. 8 Tv.BiCTina 3 Memphis II HhTlila 4 Hrw Orleans 8 6 Shreveport. 9 Bt.Iienis......lT et. a Viaksbnra 18 rs. in.

n. a 0 a 8 4 6 11 0 7 6 7 8 4 8 a 7 8 iaiw high water Van. rt. ob 04 07 00 2200 0002 0000 00 4 a 0100 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 7 4 14 ss 21 23 ts 0 84 0 48 a 00 1 11 0 0 4 so 8 SO 1 80 11 41 1 aa Hot 1874. TESTEBDA1.

Una. ft. la. a so 0 1ft 0 81 10 Gay, Assumption. Fort Kada Meptaae, 11 A.

M. The Forts Bt. Mary. UA.1L Grand Isle Joe 8 A. M.

Bayou Bara Corona. IP.H. Baron rronrene u. J. Dickey, ia w.

BhroTeport Phil E. ChappeU, 6 P. M. Grand Ecore silver City, 8 P. M.

Bt. Louis City of Baton Ho age. 6 F. M. Donaldsonvllle Whisper.

12 at Cincinnati Paris O. Brown. 8 P. H. 8 To day's aeparturea are officered as Heptane w.

g. Bassett, master, Frank Beovell, clerk. Bt. alary Jan. T.

0Pry. master John P. Aiken, clerk. Joe Webre A. E.

Hotard, master, Frank aruu, eiera. Corona no. CTIibano, master, Joan 8. Cannon, clerk. H.

J. Dickey Max Blanchard, master, M. Phil E. Chappell master, clerk. Bilvcr City Thornton Jacobs, master, Wm.

Qnieksail, clerk. Whisper J. F. Aaoolo. master.

Edw. Kioolle. clerk. Parts O. Brown A.

1L Halllday, master. v. vr. 2 vuug, ciexa. JACK8TAFFB.

The weather yesterday was cloudy and mi uj. Business was moderate yesterday. The Assumption had a good trio out. The steamer Phil E. ChappeU, leaving to u7 ittioiuvTepon, ins, since iae oeoima the property of the Bed River and Coast Line, been transformed Into a new boat and wouia naraiy oe recognizee by her builders ene nas been thoroughly docked, all old lunoers in ner nave been replaced with new ones, one nas received new and wider guards, her machinery and boilers have veen overaauiBa ana piacea in first class condition, and she has been repainted frotn stem to stern.

The Chappell is now considered one of the best stern wheel boats in these parts. The silver City leaves to day for Grand The fine steamer Joe Webre leaves the Head of Harvey's canal every Taesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 A. Ax. The Be Louis and Mississippi Valley OTansportanon (company's steamer ti. ts en route xrom as.

joois with a tow or loaded barges, sue passed Memphis at 7 o'cioca vesteraay morning. The fine electrlo light steamer New Ibarle (formerly the Key. west) will start out in the Bayou Teeae trade on Saturday, Aug. 9. Capt.

Thos. P. announces through a special notloe that the steamer City ol Baton Bouge. leaving to day for 86. Juls.

wui take freight for Yazoo River and Fa5nonBaUroao! Vlctabur' report and DanbKnSJjar nd Coast Line steamer ne boilers eomlng 2. LbZe to Uy uo for reoalrs. to let the Rr. mm vaiqaannnent venlpgenher return 5 tlu All the officers of the City of Ymaa eept Capt. B.

0. Leather, arrived tociS yesterday morning by ran. CaptTLeatSil remained at the wreck to look artr fwlght, etc. As reported In yesterdaV Picayune, everything of value on the cfrr ot Yasoo was saved. When theoaicersof toe Yazoo left the scene ot disaster at o'clock Thursday evening it was expected bales wool, wise at Beer lil boiler tabe.

e. j. tunte sundries and plunder to oraer. xotai, 37 Daiea cotton. The unreveport Democrat baa been en larged to a seven column paper, has a new beading, and altogether la greatly Improved in appearance.

It Is said an engine built on tho tri ole ex pension principle develops one Indicated horse power per hour on a consumption of only one and a half pounds of ooal, a muoh better result than has ever been attained by ut ivoerunoer engines. Alexandria Town Talk Aug. 1 Chav Armstrong, the owner of the bar room on the steamer Silver City, was brought before his Honor yesterday morning on tueeherze of selling Intoxicating liquors within the corporation of Alexandria. Mr. Armstrong waived examination and was fined tio and the constable's costs, SI.

Constable Calvlt got up out of bed at 13 P. M. Wednesday night to ro to the boat to arrest Mr. Armstrong. Constable Holt was also there with State warrants for his ar rest.

Mr. Armstrong was given time to straighten up his aocounta before he left the boat. After tho Mayor had finished Mr. Armstrong was taken before Justice Whitsin ton to answer to the same charge, an J. waiving examination, furnished a ti 50 appearance bond, returnable at the Odoier term of the District Court.

Prosecuting Attorney WlckUffe was on hand, but his services were not needed, on account of Mr. Armstrong waiving triil. The barkeepers running on Ksd River, within tho limits of Rapides parish, had better obey the law. They will save monay and time by doing so. We are pleased to number among the gentlemen selling liquor on steamboats the barkeeper of the steamar Jewel, who closes up his bar when the Jewel steams within the boundary of Rtpldes parish.

He stated to a citizen that he would not sell liquor within the parish whether the law was on his side or not, because it was tho will of the majority of the people living in Rapides not to have liquor sold. Yloksburg Post, soth The little steamer Bet, the property of Pleas. West, now on the Line steamer Leflore, sunk at8juu Vlcksburg last night at 11 o'closk. where ebe has beea lying for several days. Jerry Phillips, the watchman, and an old time river (mate, had a narrow escape from drowning, as he was lying stok on the boat wnen tne sons, ana naa 10 ne puuea out through one of the windows of the oablu.

He has been taken to the city hospital, where he now lies in a critical condition. Memphis Ledger, July 31 It Is estimated that at least 8.000.000 bushels of ooal are loaded in barges and flats whioh are lying above and below Pittsburg, along the Monontraheln and Ohio Rivers, waiting for a sufficient rise oa which to move the same to points of consumption down the irreat waterways. It has been oily two monhts since anveoalwas moved from thr. hnt It is confidently expected the present rain will swell tho river eumolently to admit of some shipment at least. It may be mentioned in this connection that, according to the statements of onentan.

there la enough ooal afloat at present in the vlcinltv of Pittsburg to unnnir the fall trade down the Ohio In case the miners' strike continues bevond this Deri jd. The river men also hail the neavr rains with pleasure, as they have been Idle long enough to fnllv appreciate the advantarem of an opportunity to earn a dollar. Prices are firm at 7 to cents at points below, and, in anticipation of a continuation of the strike through the fall, operators look for a alight advance on these figures. rBy Telearaph.1 WhkKUXO.W. Am.

a. River ft fMt 4 Inches and falling. Deoarted Booua for Cincinnati at 8 A. Chancellor for Pitts burg at 8 A. M.

Weather dear and warm. xx) uio villi, Aug. a. River falling 3 I AlAV. TlrifTIlTEI.

that tho wreck would go to pieces before Sha fntlAwlna? vnAPTllllBp. Diver Ah Burrls baa gone up the wv ui what can be done with ft. Tho following la the manifest of the City of Yacoo: bales cotton, O. W. Ben tell A Cromwell Lin la da, Fraukea bush Borland 5 T.

L. Airey 3 siehardson A May 1 doBIckham A. Moore; 2 H. A C. Newman a a.

Chane; ihimu cotton seea, cotton cj lea Association 62 bbls. oil, A. A. Maglnnls's Boos; bales moss, Mnnade A Pedarre; 18 ARRIVED. Ro Arrivals from Sea.

mxiaEs. Danube. Dodo, tm 8hrevenort. Noon. River io arrivals or departures.

Weather HARINE NEWS. PICATUKK OFFICE, Aug. 2. Dickey. Blanehard, tm Lanrel Valley.

Whimper, ComatooK, fm Donaldson vllie. jewel, aouu, xm trample. RECEIPTS OF PBODUCE. BHKEVEPOBT 8teamer Danube S3 bales cotton to order 28 do Walmttley deco a Chaffe at Powell 42 sks ootton seed Cotton Seed Assn 604 sks oil cake Chaffe A Bona iso sks oats htocioskey A Henderson 481 do 174 ks wheat Glover A Odendahl 49 ska oata 63 bbls foots 125 sks wool Red River ana Ooaat une a no wuuams time a oe carver Baker 4 hides 2 bales man a Beelye 1 do Roos 22 head cattle Flautt 21 do Mehle 4 co 28 bead Sheen and sundries. erdr Tnta LAUREL VALLEY RtXAmm TT TMflkrr nni8 aurar Lew 71 btiLs do Bloom field 10 bbls molasses A A Thlbant oo 16 do Levy 61 sacks ootaaoea 21 aka on Inn a 81 bales moss A Lagarde 24 do Flas poller 1m oe amiKtiT 4 ao rois st son aa Vignes 13 do 1 bbl skins A A A VlUermln 2 nkcsJildea anade A Fedarre sniiilrieato order Total 40 hhds sugar 71 bbls do 29 bbls molasses DOlALDSOiViLL steamer wnianer 0 Dbis sugar Conner a Keuy 00 bales moss M.

(jnapaay nunanea 10 oruer CAM FT Steamer Jewel 8 bales cotton to unmDei 3ros A Mayer 41 saa cotton aed Cotton Beed Ass'n 0 hides A Beelye sundries to oraer EXPOSITION BKNTI8TBY. Lowest charge in the city for first class dsntlstry G. P. RIaloney, D. 0.

$., DEJSTTIST, Ofles) 130 CaasJ street. uau and examine aad pnoes, and uvw vuaisnvn anuu lor ua mi wn ion Medal for the best work. Oldest wtabUshed Dentist oa Oaaal street. Tasth sxtraoted wlthont naim. anT '88 TnThtfmlvlst Why You Should Buy Your Spectacles of Us.

We have a moat OomnlAtA uurtmnil: TOi quainy 01 tne glasses la tne best the world can produce. We have the beet oirtlclan in th Rnnt.h.rn conntry iatr. vv. sonne). Me mis be most difficult orders of onr celebrated oculists for Cataract Glasses.

Comnonnd Cvlindrical LenaA. etc Onr prices are no higher, bat often mnch cheaper than those of spectacle vendors who 10 wuuij igiunui ox uie Duainess, We keep on hand the largest assortment in 111c ovuuui juxraoiai nnrnu iLyes. ixiiuiw ici Ajpeaana xnoe List. A. B.

GRIS170LD Jewelers and Opticians, ll Canal street IMMiig n8 '88 ThBaTalyadp ELKIN 100 Canal otreet 100 Invite attention to their Large Stock et Fresh Importations of VUSK ZXTSA QUALITIXS and JOJLNTLESa CHINA MATTINGS. Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Ciirtains, Etc Of All Grades at Eednced Prices. eg 8S ThSaTalylstp PI AN lane AT OS Grunewald Kaii. THE BEST FOR OUR CLIMATE ARE 1 SOHMER, KNABE, Behr, Pleyel, Fischer, Prices Low Terms Easy, CALL AT LOUIS GRUNEWALD'S Music House, IS EAEOm OB 127 CAX1L STEEET. mylS '84 SnTuThlylstp Wall Taper, W.

E. FERSLEW, paper hangings and WINDOW SHADES, 37... Cajap arrest 'J 7 TBI LARGEST STOCK SOUTH Of ST. LOUIS. Paper Hanging dons in the best manner at the Lowest sates.

Window Shades to the trade at Manufacturers' Prices. bhada Trimmings and Hollands at Wholesale Jyl '8 WeFrfulylstp ARTISTS' JVIATERIALS, Artiste', Painters' and Draftsmen's Supplies Colors, Brushes, Canvas, Draw ins Papers, etc Stadifi in Colors aad ia Black and White, China and Lustra PAINTS. Drawing and Painting Copies rented. Cfleawea Mailed Freo. 23.

SEEBOLD, Bookseller, Stationer and Fine Art Dealer. 166 Canal street. New Orleans. W. HARRY SEYMOUR, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER and PRINTER.

Stamplnc a Sooelalty. ST. HEW da 83 gnWeFriylstp 8TILES. 9 feet in canal. 18 Inches In the falls.

V.lim. 4. nessdnll. Weather clear and warnu JJoth vsaisiMcs nra ijui ing Dot packets in and out. Hi I TTi ABB a.

A. Cajutres street S3 SOLI A8K17T for the TAYLOR OUT. TINS BYBTIM, which being tha MOST PK8. FXOT one known, eanmot be Improved all other dress entting methods PRKTIND. JWOtoJbe TATIAJ1V8 are PKI.TBKRATH OOUNTKRTEIT8.

nffSTBUOUOSS in DKXBS OTJTTUffO glvan daily. JaJ '84 aaWsFrlstply G. J. HcCLOSKEY'S NEW ORLEANS MEAD, acknowledged to be the BEST In the World, and PCKK BOD wlthtotbuigbat real rralt oymps, Aiomauo uinger Ale. iiarte's Sparkling Vichy, Agents lor the Glenn Waukesha and saraioira cl COLD from om star Mineral Waters, all drawn ICS wniC Dure block tin.

lined fonntalnaTwlth nsrli block tin, silver and class coolers, connections aad lancets. For sale only at our saloons. 76 St. Charlee atroet, oppesite TJnlen, til Canal street, near Royal. 14T Csussd streeS, mmm West Mm PavUlea.

Crescent Insurance Co. Inoniooiated as a Mntoal Company in 1849. Keorganlsed as a Stock Company ia 1SS0. CASH CAPITAL, $600,000. Haapaia nearly mm MILLIONS for losses since 1849.

Annual and Term Policies lssned an desirable nre bnatness. W. XL LTUAK, Presiaent. CHAfl. H.

DOLSKN, Vice PresS. OHA8. RICJE, Secretary. SEE OUR AGENTS THROUGHOUT THE SOUTI mh7 8a PrSnWelylstp GODGHAUX, CLOTHIER AND FWOBR 81, S3 and 85 Canal st. UK RED LETTER SACRIFICE SALE HAS BEGUN, And We Cordially Invite the Public h.

hambloch; NO. AJ AJL, ST (CORSXB 8. RAM PART.) PIANO AKTCR, And dealer In the well known LINDEMA1T A BOSS, 81CLTZ dt BAUBB, CHUISTIJt SONS UNITED 1IAKBK8 PIANOS. OR OAB8 of bj own manafactnie and other in tinments hotter and more reason able than at any otherplace. A NEW UPRIGHT CABIWET GRAND PIAVp, 7H Octaves.

$16 guaranteed and toned free el charge tor Ave years. Second hand Pianos sold and rented on easy monthly payments. Toning and repairing done in the most thor ongh manner aad at the lowest prioe. m96 lstpsmjy TROUSERS. We have about S00 pairs of Men's and youths' Trousers, odd lota left from fuits All Wool Goods, Bine Flannel, Cheviot, Casaimere and Black Diagonal.

We offer these at a Bargain at $3 per pair. Also, about 200 odd Coats, tame goods, bnt do not match in suits, at $5 each. Also. Vesta of same at tl 50 each. Have also marked down some of onr Finer Suite at 20 and $25 to $15 and $20.

Also have a fw lota oi line Shirts we old at $1 50 and S3 each, will sell at $1. A Large lot of Colored Percale Shirts, with separate collars and coife, will sell at $leaoh. Boys' Sailor Suits at 2 50 and S3 eMh. Boys' Knee Pant Suits at $3 and $4. One lot of Boys' Alpaca Coats at $1 each.

A full Hue of the celebrated Star 8hirta, all styles, at $1, $1 25 and $1 50 each. All linen nnlanndried Shirts at $2 each. Best quality Jean Drawers at 50o. Gauze Undershirts at 25 3. and 50o.

A good lot of Lisle Thread Shirts at $1 eaoh. Balbriffgan and Nainsook Underwear. Straw Hats, Mackinaw, Manilla, eco. tferchant Tailoring' Rnel, Cutter. t3T" No Goods Sold on Sundays H.D.BIcCOWH, Clothier.

Cr. St. Charles and Common sis. n0 '85 TnBaSnHtply MAH1I0TH FURNITURE HOUSE BWSTflu Ho. 77 BienTille street The fire of Jnne 16, which destroyed onr Warerooms, does notinterfere with onr STJEA rATOY.

weaie taking au contracts lor Office, Counter, Screen and wiiiuu we wiu maae ana pas up WUJU. Barroom Work, as promptly as Jyll lmlstp Barroom Work, as 2000 Pounds Sittings (TEA DUST) S5o. 3EOXTTr. For sale In quantities to suit by ISIDORE DANZICER. Dealer in Fine Teas, Coffees, Cboeelatee, Spices, Baking Powders, etc.

8 Chart? ea near Canal. A Liberal Discount to Charitable Inatitntlona, Steamboats, Hotels, Boardlng Monses and the trade generally. behnhnjo pianos. BEX TBIMI HXAB TBM I P. WERLEiri'S.

Canal street. Where the moat reliable Pianos are always to be had. Tea Great Hakers To Select From. Chlckerlag, Weber, Mathashek, Etc. Organs, Mdsic ai Musical Iatruntats IN PROFUSION Jyao lmlstp Hallidav Safe c.

j. r.icCLosKEY. Defies the Flames. TESTIMONIATJ. On the evening of Jnne 28 the four story brick building Noe 37, 89 and 41 Royal street, where I carried on the wholesale furniture business, waa, with my entire stock, totally destroyed by ww iw uuvr, in my ouice, a naa one of the celebrated Halllday Fire Proof Safer So.

43. built by the Cincinnati Safe and Look Company, of Cincinnati, which I purchased Nov. 11, 1681. On examining the safe I fount the combination lock worked beautifully ao 1 the doors opened readily, and to my great satisfaction and delight I fonnd ray papers and book in a state of perleot preservation. This was no uuuul me noitest ana most aastracnve nra that Hew Orleans has had for many years.

I therefore consider that this safe had a most severe teat, and most willingly and cheerfully recommend the HalUday Safe to the pntlio. W. TBBAULT, Noe. 62 snd 64 Bienville street This safe, and aUreo stock of the IU PRO VBD HaLLIDAT 8AFLS, can be seen at 142 Gravier street. We cordially invite the pullj to call and examine our stock.

r. D. MCKNEKY, Superintendent, No 142 oravier street. Jy27 SnTnThlmlstp New Oraai. La.

REDUCED PRICES FOB iDSCilliER CL0T8ISG Beady Made and Made to Order. Thelmenseirrgains 'ro' GodchOt, aD afa, AT al m.T A STW a REGULAR AND WELL MADE CLOTHING K0W BEING OFFERED AT THE GREAT REDUCTION 50 Per Cent Jyl 6 WeFrSn lmlstp MATTING. al the I attest Style Jaat Beselvasl and as Lsrw Trleesw BROUSSEAU'S SON. 3 and 25 Qiartrea street 23 and 25 Ciirtaliis, Window Shades. CARPETS, ac Tarlscy sf Raw SHka ana OZZs CLOTHS.

7 'SY anTaTnlylstn 89CANAL ST S3 Are offering their immense of BE AS ON A BLE CLOTHINB AND FURNISHING GOODS AT OBEATLT BEDUCED PBICE3, To make zoom for new Fall Stock. Equal REDUCTIONS are also being made in OUB GUSTOJIX DEPARTMENT, whioh is soon to receive Autumn Styles now being selected abroad by our Mr. L. OIBOT. Country orders promptly filled.

Self measurement blanks sent on application. w. Gold Medal, Paris, 187 BAKER'S BREAKFAST C0C01, Warranted ABSOLUTELY FUBE COCOA, from which the excess of Oil has been removed. It has three lime the ttrenath of cocoa mixea witn (starch, at rowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, it is delicious, nourishing, strength, ening. easily digested, and ad mirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health.

Sold by Grcer everywhere BAKER DOBCHE8TZB, MASS. FIX 14 18 mhll IS 15 ap8 10 IS mylS IS 17 JelO 12 14 11 IS Ol4 18 18 nil 13 19 04 11 IS II sonvxUe. n27 ly H1XLB0ADS. OXtHAT HBDTJCTIOIT PiaiiiaiB Hina. itiS? 4elass.

4 class. To England gioo auo 3l francs 10J 60 75 eermany 100 78 S7 Ticket sold for an other parts of the world at tow rates at LKVK a aLdjmts TRAVKI, SB'S) BUBJEAU, 19 Camp street. 6bamahip for Havre direct, oag.o. apll '84 ly R. D.


and T. K. H. and 8. A.

System, and Southern Paclho Bail way. Leaves 1 00 P. M. Arrives 11:30 A. M.

8LEEPJCBS between er Orleans and Houston and California, thiouga with one change to Han Fracolaco. Connections made at Houston with all rati lines from that point. Tickets for sale aau sleeping car berths secured dally ac onice. corner Magasine and Matches. A.

C. HUTCHINSON, President. J. O. 6CHKIKVKR, Trafflo Manager.


4 Leaves A. M. No. 1 Arrives 10:00 A. M.

No. 3 Arrives 3:10 P. M. No. 3 runs north only to Baton Bonge.

No 4 runs to Wilson, 33 miiea north of Baton Rouge, makes oennection at Clinton and Port Hudson R. and at Baton Rouge with steamer star" tor Bayou Sara, Both trains leaving New Orleans connect Bnrnside with steamer Clipper for uaia ON TCHARTRAXBI OS AND AFTER Leave Milnebnrg. a. It. 8.80 a.

K. 7:30 A. M. 11:00.. A.

M. 43:01 P. M. 1:80 P. M.

3:30.. P. And every half hour thereafter till 8 P. M. io p.m.

10:80 P. M. 11:00 P. M. 11:30 P.


The Direct Line from New Orleans to NORTHERN, EASTERN, WESTERN and CENTRAL TBXAS, and all points la Old and New Mexloo, Arisona and California. California Express leaves at 11 A. M. via Mis sissippi Valley Railroad fro; Jaokson RUroad depot, making close connection at Bacon Bonge with trains for all points west, and having through sleeping cars to MarabaUanil San randsco, and for all points in Texa and California. California Kxpress arrives at 10 For tickets or Information apply at 47 St Charles street, corner Oravier.

A. 8. GRAHAM. Ticket Agent. B.

W. MCCTJLLOTJGH, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent. W.

H. NE WM AN. Trafflo Manager. Fl '84 ly RAILWAY SATURDAY. MAT IT Pontehartraln Janotl, 7:00 8:00.., 9:30, 11:30.

1:30... SOUPS. TLEMAN at Mad. I I ras, to his brother 1 I AtAVAAIS SS tYU.KCEBx.blf may, loot, "TeULEA A PERRINS that their teemed In Iadi, and is in my opinion, the most pals, table, as well ss the most wholesome aauoe that is iniMio, REQUIRES HO COOKING. Makes Col Lais and Cuffs as stiff and glossy aa when new.

03STZE DPOXTISTID roes as far as TWO pounds of any other starch. USKIJUAliSU IU UUAlilTl, the liigrcdients used ljs.s jthkk on IfJO'JS PRIZE OF 660 GOLD MEDAL Oontalna all by Laundrvmen. SAM. Hcatloa to your Grocer, or appneatloa tore aend to BUBKK fe ffHonPOff. Sols Agents, New Orleans, La.

myl 3taw3m Peruvian barks. A most a akis. i Bus dbouoxw E.FOU6EBA 4s Je20 84 lvsowWe powerful Bestorer In General Debility, Ex. aaustion. Indlmstion.

Lbm r.f Anmtitji Rim Malarial re' Fevers. MATHEYCAYLUS Used for over 9B years with great success bj the physicians of Paria, New York and London and superior to all others for the prompt cure of aC eases, recent of longstanding. Put up only In Glass Bottlea containing 64 Oapanlea each. PBI03 76 CENTS, MAKIKO THEM THB CSEAFESZ CAPSULES IN THE MARKET. Paria.

Waists VAtAJIJ Je20'84 lyFr A.M. A. M. sessssass'SS A 2Ca P. M.

P. hi. Every half hour there. after tlU 8:30 P. M.

10:30 V. 11:00 M. 11:30 P. M. J.

T. HA RAH Air. President. O.M. PTJBTg.

Bqpmrtatwidai m. FBADD! ACTION I Many Hotels and Restaurants refill the Lba Perkins bottles with a spurious mixture and bervb it aa tha GNUINB Lea Perrins' Woroestershire Baaoo. THE GEEAT SAUCE OF THE WORLD. Imparts the most delicious taste and seat to Ac COLO MEATS, GASIK, eVflk Signstnre is on every bottle of GENUINf WORCESTERSHIRE SAUOE. Bold and used througbont the world.


la eoiaeotloa with th me ELaHwor snd Its For aU uiormafos aval Teias i Boat of this nns reserve the rla ht to nass all landinm taitn arna. seagars at the option tha Captain. Shippers responsible for freight billA Bivers. BED RJTKK RAILROAD LINK. Making positive wonneottou at AllCXAt DRla with Ane Xexaa ed Pactflo Railway Con.

pany for all points roaobed oy them and their con nec Ung Unas. SHKEYKPORT, BilL POINTS, ana way laEdlc SATO BD AT, int t. P. at, Fftllt UaioPBU Lord A McPeake, Geo. U.

Hit. Brlttoa A Cafin, Aaents. F.rOBANlrBOOAtJk, SAILBOAT) POI9TT3 and all way land lag fivsa crcr. SATXTBDAT, Aug. 2.

6 P. K. R. W. Adams, Agent.


'LOO 13 AND rway landings, reserving the right tottaas all landins that the can tain nav teem unsafe The steamer OlTx OF BATON ROTJOE, H. E. Bixby. master. Win.

Masson, oierk. Leaves SATURDAY. Aag. at a P. M.

A. P. SIL.V13R, J. W. Bryan, master, O.

if. shields, clerk. Leaves WEDN KbUAV. Aug. tl, at 6 P.

JaU For freight or paasave apply to J. B. WOODo. General Agent, tt 104 Common street. Ohio aivpu.

SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION LINE. 7 FOB CINCINNATI, LOUI8 rviUe. Evansville, Cairo, and all ln Itermediate ttointa. conneatina at Cincinnati with the C. H.

and D. B. R. for all points North and East, and at BvanaviUe with the B. and T.

H. R. R. Bteamer A. M.

HaSdayHSstir," Leaves SATURDAY, Aug. at 6 P. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to C. G.

WAYNE, 82 uravier Agent. OUACHITA R1TKR. Consolidated ouachita btvxb linb Maooa, and the saline and GREKHTIXXJK. In place of the Jona w. ci KNOB Oua uuaiiau unuaii diatus aai fCrf Sa FOB OUACHITA CITY, Tfi Lr 1 Monroe and landings oa ohita and Black Rivers, eonnec uaaaxiau usitjuj btatS mail.

TR Rivera, oonnaatlna wub soaica lor uie inuumnes i ne steamer F. A. Blanks, master, JTs. Holmes, el era, The right is reserved to pasa arf landings th captain may deem unsafe. For freight or passage apply to W.

A. Blanks. President, No. 7 Delta street; or to Geo. D.

Hlte, ohn A. Wayne, Lord A MoPeake, Garlic A Britton, Agents. P. S. ilaa (loee and regular eenneottoa wltt paoaets ior Atayons u'arooiuia, Aiartnoiomew lensaa.

LittU oe tt Leaves very TTJE8DAT at F. M. fTT fci FOB VXCKSRUBO, OREJ STine. aad tha Bends The steamar lUUN W. CANNON.

(In place of Bd. Richardson, i Wm. OampbelL master, W. L. Cannon, elerk, xjeaves as aoove, oonnecxing as vioksonrg wita the Parlsot Line for the Tasoo, Tallahatohis and Sunflower Bivers with the Anchor Line for at.

Louis ana at Delta with she B. and BailToad. 08 tt jonn a. wayne. jonn janney.

a rents. BA.YOP BAYOU SABA PACKET COMPANY a fP5 FOB BAYOU 8ABA, P0BT 1 Rickey, Baton Rouge, SonaMsoa. i in mini ttmt laniiiwlrs EDWARD J. GAY, S. S.

8 tree master. Leaves KOWDAT and FRIDAY al bp. m. Boat reserves the right to pass all landings an omybmui mmj unua nil sale. For freight or paesare apply on board, or to JOHN anNEYT S3 OommB street, OEO.

D. HITS, 178 Qravter street LORD MCPEAKE. 122 Oravier st. an5 tt THOS. P.


salBaTobossb tbtx LP Baton Bonge, Fiaquenune, Bayon Goula, Donaldaozi villa and an way laaninra nroamnT CLINTON J. J. Brown, master. Thee. Jobln.

elerk. Leaves every MON DAT and FRIDAY at 6 P.M. vS5? or passage apply to CARLIN A oxfcx i iun. 00 atones street, jutiOi a WAYNE. S3 Carondelot st Agents.

myO tf Leaves Wednesday, Saturday, p. m. I BfYOU SABA, PORT 7 ri nioaeyjii awrn AtougeTM Steamer ennc. Libaato, master, Jno. 8.

Cannon, olerk Boat reserves the right to psss all landins the captain may deem unsafe. For pelght or passage apply oa board, cr to BAYOU TBCHB. FOB ST. MAHTINSVILr.H New Ibej ia, Jean a. rette, Baid in', 'Franklin.

Contrevldn. ville and all intermeUate laaflinara on Bivnn Teche The line electrlo lis ht naaaeuo ar otnattiav NEW IBERIA, T. B. Mnggah, mabter, Geo. w.

Belt, elerk. Leaves Aug. 0, at 5 P. M. 7, board, or to OEO.


ATCH A ALATA 'rVvI EB AND WASHINOTON FAobT. Leaves every WEDNKSdav. FOB ATOHAVA LAVA wtwu rWsAhlngton, Port Barre, Slmms 'Dort. ChnrehvlIlA aid the ooaat, Atchalaiaya Biver and Baron Oourtablaaa The passenger steamer PA1UOHON, Ia Plaoe ot the Warren,) A.A.Boian4.eisTa. All freight for Bayou De Olaiss to be dellv.

Sfd i imi2.Port and Big Bend Landing. All StXlSl Bi Cat ahersa at Ohnrohville to satt'oats at owner's risk. pp1' board, or to B. Strsuss, 83 Decatur street. GKA1TD ISLB.

ja bbahd I8LB The fine daylight A. X. Hotard, master, Frank Krans, elerk. iSmZfI TUE8DAT, THUBSDAT and 8 ATU BOAT, from the bead ot Harvey's OanaL iwjayss A BUAIS A AAA vm. uvmm.

ma MONDAYS, WBD. 8. Fare 83 1 meals eitta. excursion every Saturday. Fare round aaesoa as tne notei and on board mr29 voaring Stock for Soaps, Mads Dishes and Sauces.

Annual Sale. 6.000.000 lata. sncaesa and a boon ahould feel rraiefol.1 Press." LsjumA." Ao. for Which naticE See "Media' Oeuoine only wish the fae aimils of Baron Liebig's Signature ia Bine Ink acroas tbe Label. ThetiUa" Baron Liobig" and phonograph fcaviag beea lergelv ased by dealrn with no connection with Baron Li.

biff, the pnhUe are infacmed that the Lieiic Company alone can offer tha article itn Baroa Liebig's goaractee of genuineae ae. LIEBIQ C0r.1PANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. ob.hd of aUSeVpTrl Groeeys and Chemists. Sole Agents for the United States (wholesele only) C. David co9 Je36'4 Thly 1 other MWB1 CASrir Xoauisavsas sscsari 00 This lias of steamers will regularly to all points on RID (Ufc5 to Pi AQUEXriNE.

BAYOU LA ffOURCHK audXrU WKR OOA9r. OOAaV. COA9 AMI (XtKAUO auariLA. waispa X. ATooln, fctasM, sdw.

xriooUa. eisxa tsaves svery TUJCaDA, XIXOB8DAT eld SATXTBDAT. at IS SlM WB eoan on savarflats days B. R1VCT Agens. CATOV liAFitV O.CBX.

AssrsarcioM, a Onariei, bums. raaa stergsnn, sosf sayea' svary MOaCAT st AU aad RLDA it lt IL J. (In plave of the Keokok,) Max Bsncn a. master, M. jr.

Landry clerk eaves every WBDNBSDax at 14 and BATURD 4.V at 6 P. M. A'be eieamor t.oi. wMcet eonneeM with the lssuuivuon and Dickey tor all points on Rayon Lafovrehs beyond Laurel vaUay. B.

KAVJST. Agent, TO 3T mana jcaa ste4 W. B. Vtarslt. bimisi.

a eo, TUBSIXATa aat TBTJJtaOATa UMBXTVMDAT at Knl Js. T. cypry. master. J.a, r. 11 A. If, Qa4r4, OA A AVUA at 11 Forts. a bab u. a. atatj i DAYB, as 11 A.

retaranvg TUXsrf THTJBSJ1ATB nATOBjA fg, 6 LABDIKW AT Alt fa TIM UOBviAira LOUISIANA AND TTi aillroad and 8teaasS7 Companj. asnws Ran Caae belswT TEaToy. Baaashia) AKAVS4 aus from Morgan Cl Mugtur, Aa ron BBAZOS aTAJTfXAGO TSAVOsT StawnsaklB) HAKEU3 avss) Morgan city 2Z. LlgBtcrags a. Corpus uhxisa snd anylatriak von expense el essA OlDlAirOlA TXA ALT' ivrsirif'iJ! nur avas Morgan City every MOJt "WW TOSK, Basamera leave Algiers every wkde aUestsaakip BXOKlAIOjc aUg WXDNEaDAT.

Aag. a. jnsr ruu miomtanem aa as rm vtbcvuoo, earner at ere apply istalieaatreeta, I J. G. BCH A.

C. HUTCH! KA.BV1UI, TrafBs IU: raw TOKK. THB OBOMWBLL UKI. OB HAW TOBI DUlCT At 8 A yvfK This line Ueomped of tr rng steanhlpa 4 XNICKERBOCXEB, HtDBON. LOUIblANA.

KIW OBLA Tha steamship MSW OBLEAM T. P. a Hslsey, wilt leave her wharf, toot of TobJoum i I2f 8UBANCB ST THIS USE Trfn rnsaaga Btaaraffa gSSfo ST itW wl For freight or passage apply ts wrmj uoifLxov Fl 84 ly 4MCarsitfi BLUESTXXDS AHX POST LI The A 1 American stesis 1 TJOY p. mill: under contract to carry the NioarV yllliallBOWDAY, Aug. io, lor tk.

Rica. caHlnff en ronte at Cms um, field and Oreytown, Nic, going aad rt. mvs. uwsut apply tO Tw. C.

A. flBtUA CO, A JySltaulO 2 Booth OTEBZ PXOBUB Myj aUAlAH. It TJUua, Bonaooa, ports In Spaniaa carrying tne United States ae fcpa HirJH ZL1 am ae arst eiass rrva i B. OTBBL AS B. WABja JTLt AJ VT Tarta.

wlU leave oa MONDAT, July 83, al a. BAXaEIOII. wni leave on "fcJLal For xxetght or passags Saffl, Front t. NORTH GERMAN LLC, 8tsMunanlp Una Betwoaa I and New Orloans Dd Qalr: Steerage passage frost eaMMaaJOia, fw leans or wuvsswna direct steamer or via Nsw Tork. $2X i tne undersigned Issus prepaid Xrextaepartnrea from Bramen, I.

4.H0V.1. Onr passenger agent fw Texas, Mr. i DO. In Houston, Texas, lasses prepaid orders to all Interior points la Texas. Cabin and steerage tlokeUbstwses and Bremen, either way, lstatd brf signed.

Bteerar Uoksts either way tot The company reserves the right to the rates ot passage aad days of without previous aotioe. dava Leaves old BD. F. STOCK MfiTXB A eeneral Agenti, Jet '84 ly bXAwdbtixiB, corincrroK izi i UNITED BTATE8 MAIL 8TXA NEW OAMELIA. Oommenoing Ms t.

Wltil LAAVI Uli. en the arrival of cars from trala imat luxl at Kivs. street. Mondays and Thursdays, lor Maaf Madison viUe, Old Tuettdav. Friday and Satnrday.fur devilleand Madiaonvlllavexteau Bataioay'g trip to Old laartisg KX0UB8IONBV.

Wsdnssdays, for MaodevUie aad i Bundaja, lor Mandsvilis and OiA Lau' 1 Wednesdsrs. tor MaadsviUa and Av sonvlile I Bunday, Madisonville direct BKTUBSla'O. Leaves MadlsonviUs days, Thursdays and Leaves Old Trifling Taeadra aiul 'wsCasaila sJ Bundsy xcnraionS wator and weather penait FABB BACH WAY EXCUBSION DATA. Over and Back Chlldroa Half Furies. Frelvbt reeelved datlv at tts IS, VashvUia Freight Depot.

auyl'SiAsl'Si jgAAtt i 0.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.