Questionable Content, Vol. 1 (2024)

for-much-deliberation ...

2,677 reviews

January 28, 2016

I've read this cartoon on-line and god I love it...
Its hilarious...


Tracey CB

146 reviews4 followers

January 30, 2017

As someone who has read the webcomic for so many years that the original art is nostalgic this was a great way to reread the story and give back to the author for so much entertainment. The addition of comments under every strip was great fun too.

For those not familiar with the web comic it is a good story, a slice of life thing. And it is fun to see the progression of the art style. Basically the author learning how to draw better all the time.


Stewart Tame

2,381 reviews107 followers

May 15, 2014

After Goodreads popped this up in my recommendations so many times I decided to track down a copy. Fun book! At first I wasn't sure but the storytelling and art quickly grow in confidence as the book progresses. Love the characters! The humor is rather sex-obsessed but then what do you expect with a title like Questionable Content? It's all handled fairly tastefully actually, nothing depicted that would raise eyebrows in a PG-13 movie. I'm liking this comic a lot. Looking forward to the next volume.


41 reviews

June 6, 2018

I can't believe I've been reading this literally every day since 2003.


Chris Petruccio

150 reviews

June 4, 2018

I slightly resent the patron who suggested this series to me, because I am hopelessly addicted now. After reading through the entire webcomic, checked this out. A couple of updated redrawn strips and commentary from Jeph through out is basically all that changes. Still not out of the dark ages of Jeph's early illustration style (which is really rough to look at now compared to how current strips look), but it was immensely enjoyable to start this series over again.


280 reviews20 followers

May 23, 2011

The obvious question: why buy something I can read for free on the web? The short answer: I don't wear t-shirts much, and I felt I ought to give something back to an artist who's given me years of enjoyment. Besides, I keep going back and re-reading the darned thing anyway—might as well save a little on bandwith charges now that my ISP has a data cap.

The long answer is actually shorter—I haven't had a comic give me as much pleasure since Burke Breathed stopped drawing Bloom County.

Not that QC is exactly a re-make of BC by any means; for one thing, it's characters are decidedly more adult, and for another, Jaques never steers directly into politics the way Breathed used to. But QC hits that same 'spot' for me—a mix of whimsy and humor that takes moments in life I can relate to (despite me being rather past the age of the characters) and turns them on their ears, shaking out something — truth? I don't know, but something very satisfying. It must be, because, as I said, I've read most of this four or five times before I got the book, and then went it through one more time, and I know it won't be the last.

So be warned that this stuff is addictive. Still, it won't rot your teeth, screw up your lungs, or get you arrested—most places, anyway*— so it's a benign monkey to have on one's back. So allow me to 'push' a little feelgood your way. C'mon, you know you wanna try it!

*For the love of god, I'm kidding. I think. Meanwhile, Jaques, willya get the next one out already?

    cartoon-comic humor

Casey, with a book

490 reviews67 followers

October 22, 2017

Well I'm not reading much of anything else so I might as well count this toward my goodreads challenge.

I discovered QC back in high school (c. 2011) and LOVED it, but kinda stopped reading it once I caught up to the archive. (I just would forget to check it daily and then I'd lose track of where I was and such). I've been rereading them lately and it's just as funny* and addictive as the first time. As others have said, the progression of the art is awe-inspiring (I also quite like reading about the progression of Jeph's life in the accompanying blog posts online) and the characters are definitely the kind you fall in love with.

300 down... 3200 to go! Onward to volume 2!

(A note: To be clear, I've recently purchased the first 2 volumes but have been mostly reading online for convenience + blog posts. The book itself [classic version] is nice, although the strips and text are a lil smol. The commentary is very short and less interesting than the blog posts. The extras are the best part: some exclusive art and comics, including some of the originals redrawn in his most updated style, which is cool/jarring)

*with the exception of some jokes that don't age very well... for example it's no longer acceptable (if it ever was) to joke about disabilities/use the word retarded, and fat shaming doesn't read as funny to me. That said, most of the jokes are in the realm of 1. indie music/culture and 2. butt jokes which are 1. cool to look back on and 2. fairly timeless.

Sussu | Kirjakauris

848 reviews34 followers

August 3, 2019

4,1 stars

This comic holds a lot of nostalgia for me, because I used to love the webcomic when I was a teenager. Mostly, I still enjoy this a lot. However, this was written in the early 2000's and some things haven't aged well, at least to my eyes. For example, using the word "retarded" as a derogative. Or the whole friend zone trope. Or how it's okay for Faye to be so violent toward Marten and how it's cute because she's a girl. And so on. Having said that, I still really liked this, especially considering this is just the beginning of the story and I'm sure the writing grows and develops as time goes by. I can't really say I remember very well, considering how long it's been since I last read these. I'll definitely be moving on to volume two, and hopefully eventually catching up to present day.

    comics-graphic-novels contemporary-and-literary read-in-2019


37 reviews16 followers

April 3, 2018

If you like comics with strange, seemingly normal characters, who deal with realistic issue set in a near future where AI are a part of life. You'll enjoy this one.

I was hesitant to start reading as I am not usually a fan of "slice-of-life" stories especially with 20 somethings trying to figure out their lives. But the characters are all interesting and well developed over the series with a touch of transhumanism occasionally thrown in to add further sci-fi interest. All and all an excellent series dealing with the evolution of newly normalized interpersonal relationships taking place at the same time as all the issues that have plagued humans dealing with hurt and trauma since before technology.

    books-i-want-a-copy-of-the-whole-se favorites webcomic-collections


58 reviews4 followers

February 17, 2018

Just okay. And hilariously dated -- fashion, bands, etc. (People actually used to say 'retarded' and not cringe?) My husband really thinks I'll enjoy later strips/storylines and I like to start at the beginning of things, so I'll keep going!

Also, enjoyed the running commentary on art issues and improvements in this first installment of the Questionable Content run. Always interesting to get a bit into an artist's head.


153 reviews11 followers

July 14, 2018

This comic was started in 2003, and HOO BOY has it not aged well. Repeated use of the r-word, making fun of people with brain damage, fat jokes about a character who isn’t actually fat at all, a veritable plethora of obnoxious “indie culture” jokes...

I’ve heard a lot of good things about QC over the years, but if it does get good at some point I don’t think I’ll make it there. I had to force myself just to finish this much.

Sorry, Internet. Not for me.

    graphic-novel read-in-2018 web


41 reviews19 followers

December 22, 2015

Currently, I'm one of six people who gave this series a 1-star rating (though they're sans review) and I did it for the same reasons this other person gave this a 4-star review:



435 reviews1 follower

January 7, 2018

I gave this another try as my "comic written and drawn by the same person" for the Read Harder challenge. It's just too pleased with itself and the female characters are so bizarrely written. Glad I tried again, but I won't be reading anymore.


Author5 books4,448 followers

March 31, 2015

I wanted to see how the emo thing actually played out. It actually works to be this laid back? Nice.


Miranda Levi

Author6 books61 followers

August 4, 2018

One of my best friends from high school introduced me to Questionable Content back in 2003 or 2004. When it was new and not many people had heard of it. She has always been a bit hipster like that. In fact, most of the current, by the day's standard, music I listened to was also her doing. I'd have stuck to 80s rock, musicals, and Frank Sinatra had she not gotten ahold of me. I still love each of those things, for the record, I just love a lot more now.

I was perusing some old photographs and I found one taken at ECCC in 2012. Verging on her being a ten-year fan, when the creator of QC was there I couldn't pass the opportunity up. So I asked him to do a drawing for her and got to chat a little about his creation. She was over the moon and still has this picture today. But it got me thinking about reading it again. I was pleasantly surprised to find it's still active. I was also a bit surprised to find, I didn't remember it as well as I thought. It feels super fresh, which isn't a bad thing really. Like getting to read a favorite book for the first time twice. I blew through the first volume in a day and am currently reading the second. It's just as funny as I remember it being back in the day.

The strip centers around a few key characters who are all incredibly developed from page one. They are living relatively normal 20-something lives despite AI being a part of everyday life. I love the character arcs and look forward to seeing more growth. Ever expanding on the human condition.

    comics faves

寿理 宮本

1,234 reviews8 followers

July 2, 2023

Caveat confession that I did NOT read the book front to back (yet!), since it's a collection of the first 300 strips plus some redraws of strips and a mini-comic from ConnectiCon 2004. Also, it's fairly hefty and I feel like I'll ruin either the book or my wrists (or both?) if I read it.

In theory, I love this book, because it's a fun series about an alternate reality where things are mostly the same, but there are sentient robots. SNARKY sentient robots, who get into sexually-themed crimes (not THAT so much as "gluing dild*s onto stuff" shenanigans).

In practice, it's HEAVY, and I feel like the layout isn't optimal. Except for the bonus story, there are almost three inches of unused space per page where the comic panels could have been larger. I get that some of it's from Jacques didn't start out necessarily planning to eventually print these, but this persists through book 6, when the layout became more stable.

It's STILL a fun series, if questionable (ha!), and I don't get the band jokes, but between all that, it's a fun MOSTLY slice-of-life romance-ish story.

    adult-themes alt-history dark-science


50 reviews

August 10, 2017

I am actually readding this online at the website, but I am quickly making my way through the comic. I enjoy the characters, especially the AnthroPC's. There is a lot of Indie music references which, honestly, I kind of ignore and just get to the next storyline that actually deals with the personal issues of the characters. It has a nice anime/slice of life vibe to it that I enjoy.

I would say the main downpoints of the series are:
1. Indie music referencing
2. Too many sarcastic characters. It gets difficult to find the difference in the voices of the characters because they often just riff of each other and basically sound the same at times

1. The world of teh comic is very different from ours, but it doesn't explain it too much so you are left quessing about the AnthroPC's and the scientific progress of the world.
3. AnthroPC's. Hilarious. Pintsize is a breath of fresh air in the comic.


596 reviews5 followers

December 25, 2020

This is one of my favorite webcomics so when I saw the trade I nabbed it.

The art is a little rudimentary early on, but evolves pretty quickly overall. (the current style is terrific, so it's fun to see some of the early strips re-drawn) But it's the writing that has always made this strip fantastic and eminently re-readable, which is the driver on whether or not I'm going to pick up something I've already read and is available online in trade.

This is really smart work with instantly identifiable and rootable characters. It doesn't need to be "about" anything, just about these great characters.

If I have a problem with this strip it's that Jeph seems bored with Marten as a character now and reading these early strips reinforces that feeling a little. (plus, doing little with Marten has also meant even less Steve too. I like Steve, he's fun.)

Anyway, it's great stuff. Funny as hell and nicely grounded, despite the robotic antics. Highly recommended.



2,374 reviews153 followers

May 22, 2017

Descubrí este cómic por casualidad y aunque no es especialmente espectacular sí me atrae lo suficiente para seguir leyéndolo. Me recuerda a Friends (el propio autor hace que los personajes se comparen a Friends de vez en cuando) y está entretenido. Narra las aventuras de unos cuantos veinteañeros que sobreviven como pueden en Connecticut tras acabar la universidad. Hay seis tomos en total, veremos hasta dónde llega el interés.

    2017 english kindle


173 reviews9 followers

August 19, 2017

While Jacques is quite adept at humor with mastery of the 4Koma punchline, the story is proto-typically masculine with highly unbelievable female characters. Additionally the author's taste in music is what i find the most "questionable". ^^;;

Phoenix Scholz-Krishna

Author10 books13 followers

August 30, 2018

Sigh. I'm mostly reading this because ongoing pain issues are making it hard to focus on anything more challenging. But I'd love to read something with a LOT more diversity and fewer indie music references.


500 reviews4 followers

December 27, 2019

My favorite webcomic... But rather than clicking through hundreds of pages with a mouse, it was far more enjoyable to sit in my favorite reading chair and turn the pages of this volume. Bonus: the author's comments!


15 reviews5 followers

January 1, 2021

It is a slice-of-life that just did not aged well. Maybe reading in back in 2003 would be interesting, but now it´s just boring and cringing - “indie culture” jokes, "emo kids"...
There is a chance that the newest pieces would be good, but it´s just not worth it.


Lindsey Rojem

1,028 reviews12 followers

March 11, 2018

Jeph Jacques is one of my favorite comic artists, I even have three prints that I had commissioned at the Edmonton and Calgary comic expos. I really want the rest of this series.

    favorites own

Allison Henle

851 reviews4 followers

September 4, 2018

Adorably cute but the series gets much stronger as it goes on.


320 reviews2 followers

December 23, 2018


I have such a hard time with gag strip comic, whoops.


362 reviews11 followers

July 25, 2019

It’s official: Questionable Content definitely isn’t for me. Sorry.


52 reviews

August 30, 2019

This book was actually fantastic.


1,148 reviews6 followers

March 29, 2021

The first volume introduces the main characters in a cast that will eventually grow exponentially, along with Jacques sidewise humor.

Jennifer Bauer

90 reviews1 follower

March 7, 2023

So freakin hilarious 🤣

Questionable Content, Vol. 1 (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 5948

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.