Dragon Ball Z - The Ocean/Westwood Dub Collection + Movies : Akira Toriyama : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (2025)

This is my compressed version of Dragon Ball Z - The Ocean Dub/Westwood Dub collection done by ikaos & SoM. This upload contains the first two seasons as they were from the Rock The Dragon set, minus S01E08 - Home For Infinite Losers as this upload contains the edited version as it was intended to be. The Westwood Dub itself is sourced from the [SoM] Dragon Ball Z - Westwood Dub collection that uses the Dragon Box as a source while it has it's own personal edits to maintain accuracy to the original airings. This upload will also contain the first 3 movies in the Ocean Dub.


Ocean Dub Seasons 1 - 2

Westwood Dub Seasons 4 - 9

Ocean Dub Movies 1 - 3

*Please note that the end of Season 2 & the entire Season 3 were never dubbed, what is here is everything that was dubbed & will ever be dubbed*

Now you may be asking, what exactly is the Westwood Dub & how does it tie into the Ocean Dub? Well let's break it down for you. The Westwood dub only aired in international English speaking countries (UK, Canada, Netherlands etc.) & was created out of outcry for the dislike of the currently airing at the time Funimation dub, as the Texas based company had taken over dubbing duties due to Ocean Studios only having the rights to the first 2 seasons. The Westwood Dub is a rare lost media that has been preserved by fans who recorded it from TV between 2001-2005. This dub will never have an official release on home media due to being stuck in licensing limbo. The Westwood dub was heavily edited for TV airing ,meaning that each episode has roughly 2 Minutes of cut content. This can be anywhere in the episode, & is similar in style to what the Ocean Dub was due to it's use of basically the same voice cast & editing methods.

My purpose for this upload is purely to make sure there is a smaller source available, while maintaining some quality from this fan-restored project. I believe more people deserve to have the Westwood Dub available, because hoarding this dub isn't fair to the people who grew up with it, but never got to experience it as they got older. I claim no rights to this project as I just wanted to share this with other users since the Westwood Dub is harder to find, & I wanted it to be available in a smaller, more compact form. If you want higher quality I suggest tracking down the original release on Nyaa! If any of the original creators of choose to request me to take this upload down, then I shall.

The main bulk of these files have been converted by me with Handbrake using H265 10-bit MKV settings, with a few exceptions due to the age of some files as I didn't want to deplete the quality such as the first two seasons of the Ocean Dub minus S01E08. I claim no rights to the original remastered editing source.



Reviews cannot be added to this item.

Reviewer: a2cdcf72a7@mailmaxy.one - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - September 23, 2024
Subject: 1


Reviewer: AvidAnimeWatcher - September 23, 2024
Subject: How to report user?

How can I report mailmaxy_one user for the long block of text with only a dot? This is spam, unnecessary and obnoxious. User should be IP banned immediately, nuisance.

Reviewer: ff800243bf@mailmaxy.one - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - September 14, 2024
Subject: 1


Reviewer: The Immortal J - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - September 14, 2024
Subject: Nostalgic

It's been so long since I've seen this. It's bittersweet. Wish I could go back. However I am having a son and I'm going to show him these treasures you have preserved. Thank you so much.

Reviewer: Johnny Toad - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - August 27, 2024
Subject: Happy Birthday To Me

To the Uploader,
I love you for this.

Reviewer: MonkeyAssassin - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - August 21, 2024
Subject: Anybody knows where i can find the hindi ocean dub of dragon ball z?

Anybody knows where i can find the hindi ocean dub of Dragon Ball Z?
I've seen clips on youtube of a hindi dub of dbz that contains the saban music & censorship.
Where can I find it?

Reviewer: theNightStar - August 7, 2024
Subject: Correction of an innacurate bit of information

"and was created out of outcry for the dislike of the currently airing at the time Funimation dub, as the Texas based company had taken over dubbing duties."
I have absolutely no idea where you got that bit from, or if you just made it up, but that is 100% objectively untrue information.
That was NEVER a reasoning or even a consideration as to why the Westwood dub was continued in this manner. It had everything to do with branding and licensing agreements for specific non-US territories not having the same contracts or exclusivity rights in place, as well as Funimation not having the funds or the money, as a relatively recent start-up company to expand those rights into English speaking non-US territories that already had a prior distribution agreement.
There was absolutely no consideration of any "outcry" or "dislike" having anything to do with it whatsoever. Certain territories merely had their own unique distribution agreements over who had the rights to produce their respective English versions, and nothing else. Your fabrications and editorializing of the situation's reasoning is your own subjective opinion and not based in any fact.

Reviewer: TomAndNoor - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - July 6, 2024
Subject: Great one!

It was a very great one! Brian Drummond did a very good job on the Ocean/Westwood dub!

Reviewer: Tom917 - favoritefavoritefavorite - May 6, 2024
Subject: spanking

shame the spanking of goten was cut a little. still a good scene regardless :)

Reviewer: Drrrarch86 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - April 17, 2024
Subject: Interesting

I remember Season 1 and 2 when it aired in the US on channel WPIX aka channel 11. And then those same seasons aired on Cartoon Network for 2 to 3 cycles until Funimation dubbed episode 54 and beyond.
But those other seasons for the International English version I never knew they existed.

Reviewer: Kittentheboss - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - February 10, 2024
Subject: He said the thing!

Only 90s kids will remember this!

Reviewer: Anonymous - January 19, 2024
Subject: Shut the fuck up Joe!!!

It never aired on BBC2, it aired on Toonami UK!!! Get your fucking channels right!!!!

Reviewer: Joseph Roberts UK - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - January 15, 2024
Subject: Reply To CSSTP Media

I Love Dragon Ball Z Airing On BBC Two

Reviewer: boongobbler12 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - January 14, 2024
Subject: FUNNY LINE!11!1111!1!1!1


Reviewer: ŞÆÇŔĘÐ - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - May 20, 2023
Subject: THANK YOU!!


Reviewer: Justin Arriaga - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - February 2, 2023
Subject: Watching an old favorite in a new way.

This collection of ocean/westwood dub episodes is incredible. My fondest memories of this show is the original Saban Ocean dub. It's still what I consider to be legit dbz for me. All my life I had watched the funimation dub after that due to living in the U.S. I never knew that Westwood got most of the ocean voice actors back to dub the later half of the series until recently. I was overjoyed to find that you uploaded all of them. I am enjoying the hell out of watching a show I grew up with again, but in a slightly different way. Brian Drummond will always be my go to Vegeta, no offense to Chris Sabat. The music in this dub is ok. I do think bruce falconers score was overall better and they did a better job having specific music play that matched the emotional moments we were seeing. I know the music for westwood was mainly recycled, but it doesn't mean it's bad. They do use the same 4 or 5 songs constantly no matter the moment that is unfolding. That brings it down a notch. Either way I am loving this and quality is great. Thank you!

Reviewer: Vegeta463 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - January 26, 2023
Subject: awesome

this is outstanding better quality that mine, but i have the missing episodes...... well the Funi dub that took over for the end of season 2 and 3 if ur interested

Reviewer: lee sheard - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - July 20, 2022
Subject: wrong series opener

season 2 opens with a New Goal... Namek, Season 1 closes with The Battle ends. other than that great collection.

Dragon Ball Z - The Ocean/Westwood Dub Collection + Movies : Akira Toriyama : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (2025)
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