Can I use olive oil in my Instant Pot? (2024)

Is it safe to use olive oil in the Instant Pot whensautéing or pressure cooking?

Can I use olive oil in my Instant Pot? (1)

We are obsessed with the InstantPot! The very best feature is the ability to brown aromatics or meat before cooking. This feature gives the Instant Pot a huge advantage over a crock pot in building flavorful dishes! But is it safe to use olive oil in the Instant Pot?

Can I use olive oil in my Instant Pot? (2)

The answer is yes! The Instant Pot reaches a maximum temperatureof 338°Fwhen sautéing. Extra virgin olive oil can be safely heated to350⁰ - 410⁰ F and olive oil (regular, classic or light) can be heated to390⁰ - 470°F.

In pressure cooking mode, the Instant Pot reaches a peak cooking temperature of244°F which is well below the smoke point of olive oil.

To avoid burning your food, make sure there is enough liquid in the instant pot to properly cook your food.

Can you fry in an Instant Pot?

You can safely pan fry with small amounts of oil in theInstant Pot. You can also stir fry. But do not attempt deep frying. You cannot use an Instant Pot in the pressure cooking setting with large amounts of oil. It is not intended for pressure frying.

Can I use olive oil in my Instant Pot? (3)

Here are some recipes from a top Instant Pot recipe site to get you started with olive oil in your Instant Pot cooking.

Can I use olive oil in my Instant Pot? (2024)


Can I use olive oil in my Instant Pot? ›

But is it safe to use olive oil in the Instant Pot? The answer is yes! The Instant Pot reaches a maximum temperature of 338°F when sautéing. Extra virgin olive oil can be safely heated to 350⁰ - 410⁰ F and olive oil (regular, classic or light) can be heated to 390⁰ - 470°F.

Is it OK to put oil in an Instant Pot? ›

To be clear, you can use a small amount of oil (one to two tablespoons) to saute using your Instant Pot — in fact, most models even have a specific mode for that. But, under no circ*mstance should you ever fill your Instant Pot to the brim with cooking oil and use it as an improvised deep fryer.

Is it safe to pressure cook with oil? ›

Ordinary home pressure cookers are generally unsuitable for pressure frying, because they are typically designed for a maximum temperature around 121 °C (250 °F) whereas oil can reach temperatures well in excess of 160 °C (320 °F) which may damage the gasket in an ordinary pressure cooker, causing it to fail.

Why can't I cook with extra virgin olive oil? ›

Many people believe that you cannot cook with EVOO at high temperatures due to its smoke point, however this is a myth. Read on as we dispel this myth and present the evidence that not only is EVOO safe for cooking, but it is also one of the healthiest and most stable oils to use in the kitchen.

When substituting olive oil for vegetable oil do you use the same amount? ›

In these recipes, the swap would be a one-to-one ratio. In other words, if the recipe calls for one cup of vegetable oil, you would simply use one cup of extra virgin olive oil.

Is there anything you should not put in the Instant Pot? ›

Here are the foods that experts recommend cooking using trusty traditional methods instead of your bright-and-shiny Instant Pot:
  1. Fried Foods. The Instant Pot is a master at moist-heat cooking, which is precisely why fried foods fall flat. ...
  2. Steak. ...
  3. Burgers. ...
  4. Stir-Fry. ...
  5. Cream-Based Sauces. ...
  6. Noodles. ...
  7. Seafood. ...
  8. Cookies.
Apr 8, 2020

What happens to oil in a pressure cooker? ›

Never add oil to a pressure cooker—Cooking oils such as olive oil or canola oil can increase the temperature inside pressure cookers, causing safety features, seals, and latches to melt. It can also cause fires.

Which oil should be avoided for cooking? ›

The oils which should be avoided for cooking are oils like soybean, corn, canola, sunflower, and safflower. These oils have unstable fats and will decimate the nutritional properties of your food. Oh, and they'll give you a big fat health risk in the meantime.

Can you use vegetable oil in a pressure cooker? ›

Meats and poultry can be seasoned and browned at medium high heat with a small amount of cooking oil, whether in the cooker itself or in a separate pan or skillet. Seafoods can be washed and placed on the steamer basket in the cooker. Brush the steamer basket with vegetable oil to prevent food from sticking.

Does cooking oil clog pipes? ›

When you continue to flood your pipes with oil and grease — even only a little at a time — the solid fat mass accumulation will only continue to build up, narrowing the pipes' diameter, preventing smooth, quick drainage, backing up your sink and causing increasingly serious clog issues.

What is the healthiest oil to cook with? ›

The healthiest oil to cook with is olive oil. It's versatile, being used in everything from frying to finishing. It's also rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, and polyphenols, all of which have shown protective effects against cancer and liver, heart, and neurodegenerative diseases (27, 28).

Is it unhealthy to cook with olive oil? ›

Hence, it is safe to use for most cooking methods, including pan-frying. Some evidence suggests that pan-frying certain foods in olive oil, such as tomatoes, onions, and garlic, can improve the bioavailability of antioxidants such as carotenoids and polyphenols.

Why is olive oil not used for cooking? ›

Olive oil has a very low smoking point. This means that it gets heated up quickly and can even burn when exposed to high temperatures. Cooking on high heat with olive oil can release toxic smoke which contains compounds harmful to human health.

Does olive oil go bad? ›

Yes, olive oil is a fresh, agricultural product and it does expire or go bad. “While fresher is better, extra virgin olive oil can maintain its quality for a long time, thanks to the natural antioxidants it contains,” Ricchiuti says. “However, like all fats, olive oil will become rancid over time as it oxidizes.

Why do chefs use olive oil instead of vegetable oil? ›

Refined, polyunsaturated fats typical of vegetable oils have low oxidative stability which causes them to break down and release harmful compounds at temperatures below their smoke points. In contrast, extra virgin olive oil has been found to be the most stable cooking oil.

Can you infuse oil in an Instant Pot? ›

Infuse 3 different flavors of olive oil at the same time and in one pot. Use in salad dressings, pasta, rice, fish, or anything you like. Making popcorn is my favorite way to use the crushed red pepper oil.

Does cooking oil damage pipes? ›

When you continue to flood your pipes with oil and grease — even only a little at a time — the solid fat mass accumulation will only continue to build up, narrowing the pipes' diameter, preventing smooth, quick drainage, backing up your sink and causing increasingly serious clog issues.

What liquid to add to Instant Pot? ›

First, you must add liquid to the Instant Pot before cooking. Without sufficient liquid, pressure won't build — and you'll likely get the dreaded “burn” error. Unless otherwise specified in the recipe, you'll need just enough liquid (usually water or broth) to bring the cooker to pressure.

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