Bisquick Mix - Biscuits - Quick and Easy Meals (2024)

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By Betty Crocker Kitchens

Created January 10, 2017

Bisquick mix answers the call for quick and easy breakfast recipes—or meals at any time of day. Bisquick biscuit mix answers the call for quick and easy breakfast recipes—or meals at any time of day. We answer common Bisquick questions and offer biscuit making tips and tricks.

Bisquick Mix - Biscuits - Quick and Easy Meals (1)

The demand for quick and easy breakfast recipes is nothing new. In fact, General Mills first adopted the idea of quick recipes for biscuits back in 1930.

That year, Carl Smith, a General Mills sales executive, was traveling by train between Portland and San Francisco. While dining aboard the train, Smith was served a plate of delicious, oven-hot biscuits, even though it was well past the usual meal hour. He was amazed at the cook’s ability to bake them so quickly and easily.

The chef’s timesaving secret? He had blended lard, baking powder and salt in advance, and stored the mixture in an ice chest.

Smith recognized the potential of a premixed baking mix, and took the idea to Charlie Kress, the chief chemist of General Mills at the time. The result was Bisquick biscuit mix, now the country’s premier convenience baking mix. While it started with basic biscuits, Bisquick mix has developed into an all-around baking mix perfect for use at every meal, not just breakfast.

Q: How should I measure Bisquick mix?
A: For best results, spoon Bisquick mix—without sifting—into a dry-ingredient measuring cup and level with a straight-edged knife or spatula. Do not pack or tap the Bisquick mix into the cup.

Q: Can I substitute Bisquick Heart Smart® mix for Original Bisquick mix in my recipes?
A: It depends. Because the formulas are different, the products perform differently in some Bisquick recipes. The biggest difference you will find is in the amount of water absorbed when preparing doughs and batters. For that reason, we recommend using the type of Bisquick mix called for in the recipe.

Q: Can Bisquick mix pancake and waffle batter be prepared ahead of time?
A: Yes, but not too far ahead. Make the batter, then cover and refrigerate no longer than 1 hour. If the batter stands for longer than an hour, your pancakes or waffles may not be as light and fluffy.

Q: Can I substitute Bisquick mix in recipes if I run out of flour?
A: Because Bisquick mix contains fat and leavening as well as flour, you can’t use it as a straight substitute in baked foods, such as cookies and cakes. However, if you want to use Bisquick mix to thicken a stew or gravy, use the same amount of Bisquick mix as you would flour.

Q: How should I store Bisquick mix?
A: To keep Bisquick mix fresh, store it in an airtight container or plastic bag in a cool, dry place, like on your pantry shelf. For long-term storage, keep it in the refrigerator or freezer. If frozen, bring it to room temperature before using.

Q: Is Bisquick mix affected by humidity?
A: Bisquick mix reacts to the environment just like any other flour-based product does. In humid conditions, you may find that doughs and batters are stickier, softer or more fluid. You can add small amounts of Bisquick mix to make the dough or batter easier to work with.

Try these easy Bisquick recipes and discover the many delicious ways you can use our famous mix:

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Bisquick Mix - Biscuits - Quick and Easy Meals (2024)


Can you use milk instead of water in Bisquick biscuits? ›

Tips for the Best Bisquick Drop Biscuits

Use cold, whole milk for ultra-tender biscuits. For even richer biscuits, add some cold butter to the recipe. Don't drink milk? You can use water or non-dairy milk instead.

What are the 3 tips tricks and techniques about using the biscuit mixing method? ›

Homemade Biscuits Tips and Tricks
  1. Be careful to mix as little as possible once the liquid hits the flour. ...
  2. When using The Biscuit Mixing Method you want your solid fat and your liquids very cold. ...
  3. Buttermilk in this recipe helps create tenderness and adds a little bit of a tangy flavor that is iconic of classic biscuits.
Nov 4, 2018

How to use biscuit mix? ›

To Make Buttermilk Biscuits:

Combine 2 1/2 cups biscuit mix, 2/3 cup buttermilk, and a pinch of salt (optional). Stir together to form a soft dough. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead briefly, about 10 times. Cut dough into 12 equal pieces and place on the prepared baking sheets.

Is Bisquick biscuit mix the same as pancake mix? ›

While pancake mix and Bisquick share many ingredients, the two are not the same. The main difference is that the pancake mix is sweeter. Most pancake mixes can be used in place of Bisquick and vice versa in sweet recipes. Compare your pancake mix with Bisquick's ingredient list before swapping.

Why do my Bisquick biscuits fall apart? ›

If your biscuits are falling apart…

If this sounds familiar, you could be adding too much flour to your dough without knowing it, disrupting the ratio of dry to wet ingredients.

What happens if you add too much milk to biscuits? ›

If you add too much liquid, it will not ruin the biscuits, but the dough will be very sticky and more difficult to work with. If you find your dough is too sticky, you may add a bit more all-purpose flour OR you can make them more like drop biscuits (dropping balls of dough on a pan instead of rolling out the dough.

Which liquid makes the best biscuits? ›

Just as important as the fat is the liquid used to make your biscuits. Our Buttermilk Biscuit recipe offers the choice of using milk or buttermilk. Buttermilk is known for making biscuits tender and adding a zippy tang, so we used that for this test.

What is the secret to an excellent biscuit? ›

Use Cold Butter for Biscuits

When the biscuit bakes, the butter will melt, releasing steam and creating pockets of air. This makes the biscuits airy and flaky on the inside. We default to our Land O Lakes® Salted Butter when baking biscuits.

How do I make my biscuits taste better? ›

There are several secrets to good biscuits:
  1. Use a good recipe.
  2. Measure carefully (flour is compressible). ...
  3. Used chilled ingredients. ...
  4. Use a flour made from soft wheat if you can. ...
  5. Cut the fat (butter, shortening or both) into the flour with a pastry cutter until the pieces of fat are pea sized.
Jan 15, 2019

What is Bisquick good for? ›

If you've never had it, Bisquick is simply a premade baking mix made of flour, fat, leavening, and salt. What is this? It's traditionally used to make pancakes or waffles, biscuits, and muffins. But you'd be surprised at all of the ways you can use an all-purpose baking mix like this.

What's in Paula Deen's biscuit mix? ›

  • 1 (1/4 ounce) package yeast.
  • 12 cup lukewarm water.
  • 5 cups all-purpose flour.
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda.
  • 12 teaspoon salt (see NOTE above)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder.
  • 2 tablespoons sugar.
  • 34 cup solid shortening (recommend frozen Crisco)

What is egg and biscuit mix? ›

Egg & Biscuit is an ideal feed supplement for all caged birds, which can be used all year round. A well-balanced supplement that has been formulated to provide the high levels of protein, vitamins and minerals required in a birds diet, especially during breeding season.

Why use Bisquick instead of flour? ›

Bisquick differs from regular flour in that it already contains a blend of ingredients, including flour, leavening agents, and sometimes added flavors or spices. This pre-mixed nature makes it a convenient option for quick and easy baking.

What happened to Bisquick mix? ›

The Bisquick available today is not the same one sold early on. In the late 1960s, General Mills decided to change the recipe. They wanted to make biscuits lighter and fluffier in texture. To do this, they added buttermilk and more shortening, and then began selling the product as New Bisquick.

Are Jiffy Mix and Bisquick interchangeable? ›

Jiffy Baking Mix – Use Jiffy baking mix in place of Bisquick and get delicious results! Krusteaz Baking Mix – Just like Jiffy, Krusteaz baking mix can be swapped in place of Bisquick with no issues.

What happens if you substitute milk for water in baking? ›

Yes, you may make cakes with milk instead of water. Because fat provides richness and solidity to the cake, milk can increase the cake's moisture content and flavor. 1) Use the same quantity of milk as water called for in the recipe.

Can I substitute water for milk in biscuits? ›

Water can be used in most recipes that call for milk. According to the USDA, 88 percent of the volume of milk is water.

What does milk do in biscuits? ›

Milk is used in many baking recipes, including custards, cookies, cakes and breads. Milk encourages the browning reactions characteristic of baked goods like pastry crusts, cookies and biscuits. Milk contributes to the keeping quality of bread and gives it a soft crust.

Why didn't my Bisquick biscuits rise? ›

Why are my biscuits heavy and why didn't they rise? o Not enough Bisquick or too much liquid. o Too little or too gentle kneading. o Dough stood too long before baking.

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