Algiers, America: The Relentless Pursuit: Season 1, Episode 4 script (2024)

As the Cougars continue their dominance on the field, they navigate college offers and increasing violence. Thanksgiving offers a much-needed break from relentless drive to reclaim the title, but then come the playoffs - and a tou...

♪ tense music playing ♪


What's up, bro?

I'm definitely goin' up today.
Final round, fool. You know that.

Yeah, bro.

I'm tryna go more than that.
I'm tryin' 20. 20--

Love you too, fool.

This the day that me
and my mom always talked about.

Sayin', like, me goin' to college,

how it all because of her.

Unfortunately, she never watched me
play a high school ball,

but it-it hurts, bro.
I ain't gon' lie. It hurts a lot.

But, you know, this team fill that void.

At the end of the day,
you know, life comes how it comes.

And you just got deal with how it comes.

So, I'm just gonna rep her
as much as I could today,

you know, with the sleeve,

with, um, with this.

You know, I got these on under there.

She's still with me, and, you know,
she's still watchin' over me,

still a part of me.

So, I'm gonna
definitely play for her today,

like I play for her every game.

This her name, and, "Do it for moms."

[indiscernible chatter]

[fireworks exploding]

♪ marching band music playing ♪

ANNOUNCER 1 [over speaker]: Number two.

Senior Aaron "Deuce" Anderson.

[crowd cheering]

Let's go, Aaron!

BRICE BROWN: Congratulations.

There's somethin' 'bout the class of 2022,

just different, you know?

We had the best class since
we walked in Karr our freshman year.

And when freshman started, knew everybody.

I started as a receiver as a freshman.

Tory started as a runnin' back a freshman.

Tygee started as a D line as a freshman.

ANNOUNCER 1: Next up, number 90,

team captain, Tygee Hill!

[crowd cheering]

I'm really proud of just

all the guys comin' back
and just focusin' on one goal.

You know, we all live
different lives outside of football,

and comin' from different spaces,

but just to lock in on one goal,

I feel like that's a amazing thing.

[Tysha fake cries]

What? You got a whole
'nother game next week.

[both laughing]

People think it's all about football,
how much we win all day.

But, like, it's really about
the life lessons that you learn.

ANNOUNCER 1: Number five,

team captain, Jawin Newman.

[crowd cheering]

Meetin' Brice, him tellin' me

that it's more to life
than just football and stuff like that,

that's when I knew I just,
like, found a real home.

Don't cry.

Don't make me cry.

[indistinct] me cry. Stop it.

Number seven, team captain, Tory Morgan.

[crowd cheering]

Once you get to college, it's a business.

So, I'm just happy to be able
to be on that field ballin',

and not on the streets.

You know, bein' around a team,
havin' my family in the stands.

Me and my big brother got to go through
high school with our mother there,

you know what I'm sayin'?
Under a stable household.

So, besides her passing,
he hasn't been under a stable household

until he got under my grandma roof.

He took it into his own hands.

And look at him now. [chuckles]

TORY: I want people
to watch my game and be like,

"I know he playin' for a purpose."

That's all I want.

I want people to see me on that field

just like, "He playin'
for somethin' bigger than just ball."

[whistle blows]

ANNOUNCER 2 [over speaker]:
Back deep for the Cougars,

number five, Jawin Newman.

♪ "Flashback" by
La Rochelle Band playing ♪

Newman will take it. He's got an opening!

Jawin Newman!

Thirty, twenty, ten, five, touchdooown!


We won, baby. We won.

We startin' off early.

ANNOUNCER 2: Second down and nine.

Get on the play
with number seven, Tory Morgan.

They'll change the boy name
to Deuce Anderson without my permission.

ANNOUNCER 2: And he's still on his feet!
One man to beat! 20, 10, five!

[crowd cheering]

And that's the end
on Senior Night once again.

Let's give a big [indistinct] seniors!

We're all aboard on the hope.

These wins,

it keeps the hope alive.

Players like Tygee, Tory,

Aaron... Jawin,

they keep hope alive.

♪ "EOD" by Kenneth Brother
ft. Nickky808 playing ♪

♪ They say that we never gon' make it ♪

♪ We ain't trippin', never was basic ♪

ANNOUNCER 1: Brice Brown's team
has won 26 consecutive games.

When you look at what they've done,

it's mind-boggling, isn't it?

No one had called them a dynasty yet.

Let us be the first.

Karr signed 12 seniors

to college football
scholarships last spring.

How big is this
for the West Bank of New Orleans?

Man, this big for the city
of New Orleans.

♪ They say that we never gon' make it ♪

♪ We ain't trippin', never was basic ♪

♪ Showed love,
shoulda never been gracious ♪

♪ Free my brothas on federal cases ♪

♪ Already won hope, my medal is waitin' ♪

♪ I done got back with Nick ♪

♪ I think they could tell by how
this bitch boom or somethin' ♪

♪ I'm the hardest
in the room or somethin' ♪

We tryin' to reclaim our spot
as the best team in the city again.

How? We're gon' work our ass off.

When? Right now.

♪ And they say
that we never gon' make it ♪

[birds chirping]

BRICE: Go where you wanna go,

but make sure that they want you, too.

So, whatever school we 'bout to name,

I'mma give you what I know from it.

If I don't know anything,
then I'm gonna tell you,

"I don't know, and I'll find out."


You wanna start from the bottom
or the top, or how you wanna go?

NORMAN: From the top?
Let's start with LSU.
TYGEE: Yeah.

What's your question 'bout?


If you wanted to call LSU right now,

if you wanted to commit
to Coach O today, you could.

Alabama. You could not.


They wanna keep you in eval

because they thought your sophom*ore year
was better than your junior year.

Not sayin' that 'Bama don't want you.
'Bama still wants you.

- TYGEE: Yeah.
- Yeah.

They still-- You still on offer
from University of Alabama.

They still want you. All right?

They still-- They wanna
see you in camp, though.

That's what I don't like.
Like, the, the questionable, like--

I feel like--

I done been through camp
since my freshman year, like.

It ain't more I could show you,
another move I could show you.

BRICE: And that's why
we havin' this conversation.

What you want out of it.

You gotta understand the game.
TYGEE: Mm-hm.

Yet, you don't have a problem
when they tellin' you all the good sh*t.

TYGEE: Yeah.

But in the same breath,
they gon' tell you the bad sh*t.

You know, like he said,
they wanna see you again.

BRICE: Yeah.

I think it's a good thing
that LSU told you

that if you wanted to go
that it's committable today.

But 'Bama, you know,
that's a whole 'nother beast.

Right now, I'm 'bout to put this icin' on.

Right now, I'm 'bout
to enjoy the heat. Yeah.

- PLAYER: That's the heat.
- Yeah.

I want him to go to Alabama so bad.

I grew up, I grew up there by Alabama,

so I just-- I want him to go to Alabama.

Life-long fan.

I was one hundred LSU [indistinct].



Yeah, if Tygee come with me, I'll go.

I mean, I can't go out
there by myself, like.

I ain't gon' be comfortable,
I don't know the coachin' like that,

I don't know how they,
they, they school ran, like.

I feel like I get there, they gonna
try to trick it or some sh*t.

Not, not trick me,
but, like, you know, like--

They, like, called,

so I can't go to another
school I called by myself.

[phone buzzing]

Look, look.
Coach Wiggins from Alabama now.

What up, Coach?

I'm coolin'.

Yeah, I'm, uh, hydrating
for the game tomorrow.


Yeah, thanks.
There will be a show to watch.

HOLMON WIGGINS [on phone]:
All right, uh.

All right, got you.

All right, man.

♪ upbeat music playing ♪

NORMAN: I don't care where you
from in the state of Louisiana,

everybody grows up loving LSU football.

Our kids come from a very unique place.

And so, those colleges
that our kids get recruited to,

they have to fit our kids.

It's the biggest decision
they're gonna make to date in their life.

LSU and Ed Orgeron have reached
a separation agreement.

He'll complete 2021.
Uh, he will not return in 2022.

He's gone. He will not be
the head coach at LSU.

Entering last weekend,

LSU held commitments
from two Karr Cougars,

Tygee Hill and Aaron Anderson.

After speaking with Orgeron,

Anderson decided
to decommit from the Tigers.

The Crimson Tide are
one of the schools in the mix

trying to get Anderson's commitment.

He'll be in Tuscaloosa this weekend

when they play Tennessee.

In Algiers, Garland Gillen,
Fox 8, Local First.

I think the most difficult part was,

for Tygee and Aaron both,
that they had built

such a close relationship with Coach O.

So, I can imagine the things that's
runnin' through their head right now.

They probably so confused, um.

Both of them, um, goin'
through two different processes.

- You talkin' 'bout decommittin'.
- Decommittin' what?

That's what I heard.

- Damn.
- You never know.

I might got somethin' planned
for signin' day, somethin' crazy.

So, now you--
TYGEE: I'm still open.

Now we--
How you open if you committed?

Just 'cause I'm your fiancé
don't mean I'm your husband.

I was committed to Orgeron and not LSU.

Uh, his energy, like, his vibe,

was just always there, was like,
uh, a guy you'll never see down.

NORMAN: Aaron wanted to go to LSU,
but he wanted to go play for Coach O.

I think for Tygee and Aaron both,

Coach Orgeron was the end-all be-all.

He had built a great
relationship with those kids.

COACH: Ready? Go!

He had those guys bought into him.

When LSU decided to let Coach O go,

they were like,
"Well, okay, you takin' a guy

"that I wanna play for away.

"Now I have to start weighin'
my options, what's best for me,

because you're doin'
what's best for you, LSU."

For my state, I love LSU.
I want Aaron to go there,

but I care more about Aaron
than I care about LSU football.

It's the decision that's gonna shape

the, the direction
they go in in their life.

TYGEE: Football definitely saved me
and almost protected me in a way.

Me knowin', like, who I
hang around could affect my future,

and how scouts look at me,
and stuff like that.

I think they did
shield me from a lotta stuff.

All hundred of us could tell you a story

how that practice
that we didn't wanna go to saved us.

We come in after practice,
our friends got shot,

and we knowin' if we
wouldn't have been at practice,

we would've been with 'em.

We wish that this could've
saved everybody, you know?

That's the things you think about.

[police sirens wailing]

In the first nine months of this year,

we have had more homicides
in New Orleans than all of last year.

New Orleans makes national headlines

for becoming
the murder capital of the country.

REPORTER 3: In Algiers, someone shot
a 15-year-old boy on Southlawn Boulevard.

REPORTER 4: Some residents say
gunfire in their neighborhood

is something they're used to.

[machine whirring]

Anybody can print a T-shirt.

But we put a little extra love into it.

[person on phone talking indistinctly]

Um, I'm just, um, workin' on

that little girl,
the little seven-year-old, Dillan.

[printer whirring]

♪ somber music playing ♪

You can't teach people how to grieve.

This shirt or print may be
the only thing they have

that they can keep close
to 'em, that's tangible.

REPORTER 1: Right now, the NOPD
investigating the shooting death

of a seven-year-old.

This happened last night in Algiers.

Family members tell us
Dillan Burton was killed in the shooting.

This is a nightmare.
I'm ready to wake up.

I'm ready to wake up.

Seven-year-old Dillan Burton,

the latest victim in New Orleans's
ongoing story of gun violence.

Burton's mother was driving her car

with Burton and another child inside.

They started getting hit with gunfire.

There's victim relief funds,

and also trauma therapy services
that you can have access to.

- So, when--
- Me and my baby?

Your whole family, if need be.

But when, when there's
victims of violence in the city,

and it's no fault of your own,
there are funds that you have access to

that can help you
with your funeral services or whatever.

- All right.
- So, I wanna make sure you get those.

SINGER: ♪ Jesus loves me ♪

♪ This I know ♪

♪ For the Bible ♪

The shootin' took place in Algiers,

right around
the Fischer Housing Development,

where I was born and raised.

We have to have some real honest
community conversations.

Like, we can't just continue to think
that the police can solve everything.

We can't turn a blind eye

because it's not our children
or our neighborhood.

We have to collectively say,

"When seven-year-olds are gunned down,

"it's the, it's the, the, uh,
the ability or the responsibility of us

as a collective, all of us together."

PERSON 1: In the name of the father,
the son, and the sweet holy spirit.

Spirit at rest.

Release at this time now.

ALL: Dillan!
PERSON 2: Dillan!

PERSON 3: We love you, Dillan!

PERSON 4: Woo!

[players chattering]

PLAYER: We got a whole hour to play.

This is what we've been practicin' for.

All right? All-- Every year.
All right? All year. This is it.

All right? This is your time.

We in-- I'm sayin' we win, we in.

All right? Let's go be--
Hey, calm down and be patient.

Everything gon' come to ya.
All right? Let's go, let's be great.

All right? Let's go.

Under the lights.

Good day to play some football.

[indiscernible conversation]

COACH: Let's go!

A handgun went off.

- CURTIS: Oh, that was shootin'?
- Shootin' at the gas station.


Just another day
in New Orleans.

Gangs shootin' in the vicinity
of a playground

while the kids playin' ball.

Unfortunately, it's just a... regular day.

You saw, nobody turned
their head... Nothin'.

If the police show up,
we will find out then.

Long as the kids safe.
That's what we tryin'--

This what we doin' this for,
to get 'em away from that.

You got two quarters left.
We ain't done nothin'.

I think some of us
have resigned ourselves

to understandin' that
our lives don't simply belong to us.

We're here
for the betterment of the village.

So you can give him a lane
to go outside, all right?

And once you accept that challenge,

you just live every day trying to be

a change agent in some way, shape, or form

for somebody else, for your community,

on behalf of your community.

[people shouting]

[whistle blows]

[air horn blares]


[players shouting]

Good game.
[indistinct] Y'all a good team.

Good game. Good game.

Listen up, listen up, listen up.

I know everybody emotions high right now,
and they're supposed to be.

I want y'all to enjoy this win.

Enjoy this 'til y'all get outta
school tomorrow, all right?

Because we got practice
for our championship game Saturday.

Because this is the outcome that we want.

Everybody got that?
PLAYERS: Yeah, we got that!

CURTIS: Everybody got that?
PLAYERS: Yeah, we got that!

CURTIS: Guess what, fellas?

CURTIS: We goin' to the champ!
ALL: We goin' to the champ!

We goin' to the champ!

♪ light music playing ♪

Where my baby at? Where my superstar?

Look at that boy.

That's my grandbaby.

I am blessed. It's 16 of 'em.

He's a tremendous young man.
He have a lotta goals in football.

His first goal is gettin' to high school.

Like he said, he wanna become a Karr,

Edna Karr best wide receiver.

I, I like, uh, Mr., uh, Brown.

He care about these
young peoples around here.

He care about the young men.

So, hopefully, my grandson
will be able to go to a school

with a person with that much authority,

and that much love and care
for, uh, for our young men

because they gon' carry that,
what they coaches lead them

and show them how to live.

The next six weeks gon' take
a lot of focus and a lotta sacrifice.

Win the next five f*cking games,

make sure we there on December 5th
ready to prepare on Sunday.

So, bet?

NORMAN: Now, I love y'all boys.

Y'all be safe this weekend, all right?

But at the end of the day-- Hey!

At the end of the day,
which street is the Superdome on?

PLAYERS: Poydras.

Let, let me break it down,
loud and proud.

Poydras on me, Poydras on three.

One, two, three.
ALL: Poydras!

All right, first round
we got Breaux Bridge.

Second round, Eunice.


I think we gon' have Westgate on our side.

Bro, look at the other side there, bro.

Easton and Neville, bro.

I think it's gon' be out of Neville,

and, uh-- I think it's gonna be
outta Neville and Easton,

who we gon' play in state.

BRICE: Watch the corner.

- [whistle blows]
- No, that's wrong.

Yeah. Yeah.

PLAYER 1: Only team I'm really focused on,
like, really doubtin' is really Westgate.

They got some good receivers

- in they team--
- Wait, who, brother?

- Westgate, brother.
- Westgate?

Yeah, Westgate.

This time, the energy's different.

Now, it's get down and lay down, like.

You one mistake away
from never playin' again.

Hit it.

These five weeks is what you work for.

To make sure my seniors
and my soldiers finish off right.

I don't want my senior class to lose.

PLAYER: Ooh, f*ck!

TYGEE: Seein' that last year
left a sour taste in our mouth,

so that's why we came back, revenge tour.

Why y'all comin' out to the backside?

Go forward, purple.

That-That's what
the f*ckin' protection is.

Don't change that sh*t.

Don't freelance the system.

Don't freelance the process.

Because the minute
you start skippin' steps

is the minute that we all gon' fall,
that we all gon' fail.

If one of us fall, we all gon' fail.

That drive to get back to the dome,

especially with this team.

By us losin' last year
and not bein' the one to go home.

So, like, of course
we don't wanna go home.

So, our only option is to win.

If it means somethin' to you,
stand the f*ck up.

If it means somethin' to you,
don't say it. Do what?

ALL: Do it.

[players counting]

Put yourself in that moment now

to where you bought in

to everything that we believe in.

Put yourself in that moment right now.

Put yourself in Vernon Stadium

where we didn't get
a opportunity to defend last year,

and we gon' go to the jungle,
and we gonna light that bitch up.

Don't wait on a second chance.

The second chance is now
to reclaim it and take it.

[music playing on phone]

MARVIN ROSE: ♪ Running for Jesus ♪

♪ Nooo, I'm not tired yet ♪

SINGER [in video]: ♪ No ♪

♪ Nooo, I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ No, no ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ "I'm Not Tired Yet"
by The Mississippi Mass Choir playing ♪

[player snarls]
[all shouting]

♪ No, I'm not tired yet ♪

ANNOUNCER [over speaker]:
Back deep for your Karr Cougars,

number two,
Aaron "Deuce" Anderson.

Let's go!

[announcer talking indistinctly]

[crowd cheering]

ANNOUNCER: All right!
Let's give it up for your Karr Cougars!

Man, he gotta do his job. We gotta go.

[whistle blows]

Samuel finds his man. Right in stride!

Ten, five, touchdown!

♪ No, I'm not tired yet ♪

Touchdown Cougars!

[indiscernible chatter]

♪ No ♪

♪ No, I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ No, I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ No, I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ No, I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ No, I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ No, no ♪


♪ I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ Sometimes my burdens press me down ♪

♪ I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ Sometimes I hasten to higher ground ♪

♪ Sometime I can hardly see my way ♪

♪ I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ So, I got on my knees
and I begin to pray ♪

♪ I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ No, I'm not tired yet ♪

♪ No, no, no ♪

♪ No, I'm not tired yet ♪

Today, y'all know we start
our thankfulness speeches.

And, uh, this is very
special moment for us

'cause y'all know how we go into--
this is somethin' we always do.

I'm thankful.
I'm grateful for bein' here with you.

You always need time to reflect. Right?

So, while you're reflecting,
you're reflecting on the good

and you always reflect on the bad.

But you always reflect
on the grateful and bein' thankful

for whatever god
has in store in your life.

For me...

BRICE: Thankfulness Week,

it's an opportunity where
the kids take center stage

and they talk about
what they're thankful for.

Let's introduce Keyron.
He's-- He very special to us.

Man, come on, Keyron.


BRICE: So many times,
their head is down typing.

It's not many times throughout the day

where they have to have their head up,

and they have to look
a hundred other young men in their eyes,

and say exactly what they're feelin'.

I'm just thankful for bein' here

with y'all boys every day, bro.

Y'all keepin' it up.

Y'all keepin'
[no audio] outta trouble,

make a [no audio] stay out the streets
and all that good sh*t.

f*ck, I'm just thankful for y'all.

I'm thankful for the program
just moldin' me into who I am.

Thankful for Coach Brice,
you feel what I'm sayin'?

He, he really--

He really, like,

made me the best person I could be.

Seein' the potential in me
and draggin' it out of me.

Like, he--

I wanna say I'm thankful for that.

Just bein' around you,
learnin' everything around you,

and you givin' back to me,
so I can give back to everybody else.

- Gotta make sure it's cracked.
- Get-- Here.

This is good luck one
with this crack in the middle.

Here. Get your bowl.

TYGEE: Yeah, this-- that's how
you get the right texture,

that, that real gooey taste you feel,
that love you feel when you bite it.

It's the water.

That's how you're gonna get
the consistency you really want.

Cool it down.

TYSHA HILL: Hey, what's the time?

- PERSON: H-Hold on, hold on.
- Ready?

Wait, I'mma time--
I'mma start it at two.

Ready, set, go.



Ready, set, go.

PERSON: All right!

[shouting, laughing]

I'm thankful just choosin' this program.

You know, it built me into who I am.

You know, it helped me through
my situation and my problems,

and I'm just grateful for everything.

I'm just thankful
for everybody on this team.

Would you like a bowl of that,

or you want the turkey,
and the ham, and--

I want all of that. Give me everything.

PERSON 1: Okay.
PERSON 2: You gonna eat of all them.

That why we thankful to have you.

Who could cook this, you know?
Thankful for that.

'Cause it would've been easier to put
some mayonnaise and bread together.

Uh, we can't, we can't do that no more.
[Lorna chuckles]

Uh, thank you, Lord,
for gatherin' my family together,

watchin' over us on this Thanksgiving day.

I'm thankful just to have
a family like I do,

and to have a grandma
like I do with so much power.

I have a papa, like, a father figure.

I'm thankful just to have
everybody here on this day, you know?

Thank you and amen.

PERSON: Amen and amen.


All right, so I'm thankful
for y'all boys.

Um, I'm thankful for my, uh, my parents.

I'm also thank--
Like, the coaches.

Coach B, you know,
he my coach.

He hard on a [no audio],
but he really helped me, uh--

Since a freshman, like,
he helped me mature and grow up.

See if you still have some strong hands.

Let me see how that hand lookin'.
I need this untwisted.

Come on, Grandma need it untwisted.
Meemaw needs it untwisted.


My thumb.


[indiscernible chatter]

Put it under there.

Just pr-- just thank everything.

Thank you for everything
that you do for us.

Uh, havin' a team full here every day,

ready to get that work in, uh,
just keep everybody healthy,

puttin' food in our stomach,
clothes on our back.

[indiscernible singing]

That's all my daddy people talkin'
about is this little boy right here.

They say, "Boy, I'll be happy.
He gon' make it.

"He gon' make it to the NFL.

"Oh, my God.
I can't wait to get his jersey.

Soon as I-- Soon as he get there."

[indiscernible chatter]

♪ light music playing ♪

That's your Papa.

- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Happy Thanksgiving!

- We love you.
- We love you.

Happy Thanksgiving.

BRICE: They should have
a Thanksgiving every month,

so families across Americas could sit down

and... think about what they thankful for.

Why are we doin' it only once a year?

Let's do it every month.

PLAYER 1: It's an addiction, bro.

PLAYER 2: All right, now whoop his ass.

[indiscernible chatter]

Really, the only thing that I-I really see

that stand out to me is the quarterback

and number six.

They wanna spread you out to run the ball.

Yeah, they do a lotta trips.

NORMAN: They gon' do a lotta trips,

so we gon' keep a lotta
linebackers in the box.

We haven't ran swing yet,

and I'm glad we haven't
ran it yet because if--

H-Honestly, if we could
save it to, to Easton,

I would, I would like to do that.

I don't know. We gotta wait and see.

♪ tense music playing ♪

COACH: You should be
locked in and focused.

They gon' be givin' you
a four-man box, a five-man box.

You have to run the ball
against this defense.

It's a big front we goin' against, too.

Probably the biggest front we played.
COACH: Mm-hm.

They don't care who you are,
what color you represent,

what team you from,
what you did in the past.

All they care about
is f*ckin' your sh*t up.

♪ "Vendetta" by Itay Steinberg
and Harel Tsemah playing ♪

It's a balmy night at Furman Stadium

in Algiers, Louisiana.

The Edna Karr Cougars,
undefeated on the season,

looking to get back
to the state championship game

for a seventh consecutive year,

take on the Westgate Tigers
with a record of 11 and 2.

[indiscernible shouting]

This should be a lot of fun.

You know what you got with Edna Karr.

They are one of the most
dominant programs,

not only in the state of Louisiana,
but really across the South.

They lost in the 4A
championship game last year.

They are back for redemption this season.

You can't think about next week
playin' at-- in the Superdome

because, you know, we still have
to play a good Westgate team tonight.

And it should be a good game.

[all shouting]

[whistle blowing]

[players shouting]

I'm feelin' y'all bitch ass.

It's showtime!

Let 'em know we wanna play
and somebody's gonna die!


[all shouting]

♪ marching band music playing ♪

Thank you, Lord,
for givin' us power, givin' us focus.

[all praying]

ALL: Amen.

PLAYER 1: Love you all, boys.
PLAYER 2: Love you, too.


PLAYER: Let's f*ckin' go, y'all!

TORY: Let's go, baby!
Let's get it!

Let's f*ckin' go!

No doubt about it,

Westgate deserve to be here.

But they're runnin' up against
a hungry Karr Cougar bunch.

PLAYER: Ha! Ha! Ha!
ALL: Ha! Ha! Ha!

ALL: Haaa!

COACH: All that dancin', fans,
we don't need that!

We all we got!

We literally saw this Westgate team

turn the corner
in that St. Thomas More game.

We saw how explosive they can be,

particularly with their
quarterback, Jordan Doucet.

[air horn blares]

ANNOUNCER 2: Tonight, they're facin'
the perennial power in the Karr Cougars.

♪ intense music playing ♪

[indiscernible shouting]

[indistinct] f*ckin' talkin' 'bout!

We might have an excitin' one tonight.

ANNOUNCER 2: I think we will.

[crowd cheering]

ANNOUNCER 2: Finally ready
for the kickoff here tonight.

They do an onside kick
to start things off.

That's actually probably not a bad idea.

This Karr offense is
averaging 43 points a game.

AJ Samuel,

the junior quarterback,
who's had another good season,

had a thumb injury early on in the year.

Let's go! Let's go!

ANNOUNCER 2: At the 36.
A lotta running room here for Samuel.

And now, he pitches it
to Newman at the last minute,

and gets all the way inside the 10

before he's tackled by Madison.

Second and goal from the eight-yard line.

Samuel's barkin' out the signals.


[crowd cheering]

Huge sack, again,

and the fans
from New Iberia are lovin' it.

Oh, they can't handle the snap.

Samuel picks it up, runnin' for his life,

and he goes down at the 25-yard line.

No chance there for Samuel.

And they got fourth down
and a long way to go here.

ANNOUNCER 3 [over speaker]:
Fourth and goal from the 30.

Samuel's back to pass.

Samuel. Look out from behind!

And they got him again!
[whistle blows]

Three straight sacks there for Westgate.

And this defense shows
that they are here to play.

Do your job, dawg.

All that animosity, all that f*ckin' rage
and all that, do your job.

ANNOUNCER 2: He's gonna step up
in the pocket and get outta there.

And Doucet's runnin' for it.
Lookin' for that first down marker.

Nice job here defensively.

He's gonna run it here.
And look out. Boy, oh, boy.

Kells Bush leading the charge.

Let's go, defense!

Give it to Antoine. Hill, number 90.

That's the LSU commitment,
right to the right,

Tygee Hill, a four-year player.


He's set with a single back behind him.

They throw and it's completed!
A nice move by Eugene.

And Eugene is takin' it to the house!

Touchdown, Westgate!

[crowd cheering]

What the f*ck?

ANNOUNCER 1: Karr really just
kinda shot themselves in the foot here.

ANNOUNCER 2: And a very good
first quarter for the Westgate Tigers.

Yeah, we gotta get in this bitch, O.

We gotta get on the ball.

Gotta get on the ball.

Jump pass missed Aaron Anderson.


Samuel takes the snap,
he drops the snap,

and he's gonna be hit with a loss.

My hand. My thumb keep goin' numb.

That's not good.

If I can't-- If my hand go numb,
I can't throw that bitch.

Like, I can't--
I don't have feelin' in it,

so I don't know how much
to squeeze the ball and some sh*t.

First and 10, runnin' inside left.

And Jawin Newman got
to the 35-yard line, a gain of three.

ANNOUNCER 1: Yeah, it looks like--

There is a injured Karr player.

Jawin Newman is slow getting up,
and he is in all kinds of pain.

No, no, no!

Oh, no! No!

ANNOUNCER 2: You can see
him really kinda gaspin' in pain.

ANNOUNCER 1: Grabbing at the left leg,
which is... never what you want to see.

He wears the coveted number five jersey

in honor of former Karr star
Tonka George.

ANNOUNCER 2: Mm, yeah.

Right at the end there,
you can see the knee kinda buckle.

That's clearly around that knee area.

[cheering, applauding]

PERSON: All right, baby.

♪ solemn music playing ♪

Man, that's not good. That is not good.

ANNOUNCER 1: Your heart goes out
to this young man right now

'cause he can't put any weight on it.

He can't do anything. Oh, it's a shame.

[Jawin groans]
WOMAN: There you go.
All right, all right.

Deep breaths.



WOMAN: Just breathe.

Before the game, if you had told me

Karr would be scoreless

with two minutes left
in the first half,

I'd say, "There's no way.

Their offense is too explosive."

But here they are.
As you can see--

Gotta watch Aaron Anderson
wearing number two.

He's one of the top
receivers in the country.

ANNOUNCER 3 [over speaker]:
McMahon's outside. That's Anderson!

♪ "Wish You Well" by Amir Obè playing ♪

♪ I got licks to hit, like,
right now, I'm impatient ♪

♪ I got women on the cell
tryna give me hell, yeah ♪

♪ I still wish a, wish a would,
I still wish 'em well, yeah ♪

♪ Yup, pour my problems in a red cup ♪

♪ Only check-up when the checks come ♪

ANNOUNCER 2: Samuel's on the run.

Gets away from the speedy [indistinct],

and he's off to the races.

How did he escape that one?

Big play here
with a minute to go before halftime.

Fourth and goal from the 14.

ANNOUNCER 2: Can AJ make a play?

He's got time to throw over the middle!


Touchdown, Cougars!

Huge play!
[crowd cheering]

Aaron Anderson!

That's it. That's the end
of the first half.

And it is 10 to 6
with Westgate on top.


PLAYER: Come on.

That's it. Let's go.

COACH: Let's get it, man.
BRICE: One, two, three.

PLAYER: Finish.

Chill, chill, chill.

JAWIN [sobbing]: Not me.

This how football supposed to be played!

This sh*t ain't easy!

If it was easy, everybody would do it!

Now, you gotta pull your f*ckin' pants up,

and you gotta play
with f*ckin' pride and passion

the rest of the f*cking game!

I don't care if you throw
a intercept every play.

You get your ass out there
and you stop 'em!

Mid-way through the third quarter.

First time Karr has had
the football in the second half.

Gotta tackle this guy in the open field.

Jaylin Lucas puts on a move.


ANNOUNCER 1: Goodbye, Daniel.


I mean, wow.

ANNOUNCER 2: Jaylin Lucas
has given this Karr offense a lift.

Yeah, he is somethin' else.

Good. Good. Let's go score that thing.

ANNOUNCER 2: Gets to Lucas.

Lucas looks for the edge.
Can he get there?

He did. 40, 45, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25.

Pushed outta bounds
inside the 25-yard line.

Jaylin Lucas, he comes up
with a big play for the Karr Cougars.

50 yards.

I think Jaylin Lucas
only carried it four times,

but he's probably got over
100 yards rushing in this game.

Lucas... Nothin' happening--
Oh! Lucas threw him off of him.

Now Lucas reversing field.

And then he goes down at the 40.

There is a flag at the end of this, too.

Yeah, you wonder if that's a--

ANNOUNCER 2: Face mask?

ANNOUNCER 1: They're talkin' about it.

COACH: What you did?

JAYLIN LUCAS: They called it on me.

- They said it was a--
- You ejected.

- Huh?
- They say you ejected.

What you did? What you did?

Personal foul. Right here.
19 has been ejected.

ANNOUNCER 2: Oh! Whoa!
ANNOUNCER 1: Oh, wow.

Jaylin Lucas ejected from the game.

ANNOUNCER 1: That-That's why
you saw so much discussion.


I mean, to get ejected,
you gotta throw a punch.

Punch. That's right. That is a huge call.

PLAYER 1: Another one bites the dust.
Let's go get this sh*t, man.

PLAYER 2: Oh, they kick him out?
PLAYER 1: Yeah, he ejected.

You ejected for throwin' a punch.

Wow. So, Jaylin Lucas,

three-star running back,
outta the ballgame.

And now, Karr is down
two running backs in this game.

A lotta pressure there
on the quarterback, AJ Samuel.

That's huge.

ANNOUNCER 1: That's big.

PLAYER: f*ck!


Man, f*ck that. Man, let's go.

Come on, man... We ain't done!
PLAYER: Ain't f*ckin' finished.

[indiscernible conversations]

Let's go.

Reset with a three-receiver
set to the left.

Heavy rush, steps up,
throws down the middle!

A big-time hit at the goal line!
Boy, oh, boy!

Set! Stack outside. Double-Mike One.

ANNOUNCER 2: Down third and goal.

This is Williams.

Williams, does he get in there?

Yes, touchdown!

Touchdown, Westgate!

And Westgate is now up by 11

over Edna Karr.

Hold up, bro, leave me alone,
leave me alone, leave me alone.

Leave me alone right now.


I just need to breathe.
Everybody, watch out, bro.

Watch out.

f*ck! [sobbing]

Edna Karr is gonna have to dig deep.

They're down by 11.

And Samuel has been harassed all game.

And down two running backs.

Hey! Play this sh*t, all right?!

The time is f*cking now!

We ready, baby.
We gonna do this. And I've got you, bro.

If you need help, let me know. I got you.

Let's get it. Get it. Love you, boy.

ANNOUNCER 3 [over speaker]:
One more time at the 30-yard line.

Come here. Come here. Come here.

Hold your f*ckin' head up.
Hold your f*ckin' head up.

Suck it up.
Let your teammates help you.

ANNOUNCER 3: Tigers 10--

ANNOUNCER 2: Westgate is up by 11,

17 to 6 with 10:50 to go.

Hey, fight for me, baby. All right.

I love you, boy. It's all right.
Let's get it. We all here for you.

PERSON: Ready!

ANNOUNCER 2: Here comes the pressure.


Finds an open man,
and that's a first down.

ANNOUNCER 2: Karr is not done yet.

Samuel is able to get it to Jackson.

Jackson to the 30.

Puts his head down
and he gets to the 24-yard line.

PLAYER: Built for this sh*t, eh?

ANNOUNCER 2: Get the sense Samuel has
gotta feel a little more confident here.

Samuel, play action fake. He'll run it.

Samuel, to the 10, to the five!


[crowd cheering]

♪ "Greatness" by Derek Minor playing ♪

PERSON: Goin' for a two-point conversion.

[announcer talking indistinctly]

ANNOUNCER 2: Samuel, runnin' around there.

Can he get to that pylon?! And he does!

You see him a little gimpy.

He gave up his body to get
his team in the end zone. Look.

There is no tomorrow
if you lose this football game.

Big Bad Karr ain't big and bad.
We just gotta keep playin', all right?

- Let's go.
- Exactly.

You are fine! You are fine!

Gotta finish that bitch.

- We not winnin' the game.
- I know.

We got 10 minutes.
We gon' figure this sh*t out.

- Let's go, three and out.
- That's it. That's all we need.

ANNOUNCER 2: Back to Antoine
on the ground and Tory Morgan,

the leader of that defense.

Yeah, that's a big-time play.

It really just changes
what you wanna do offensively.

This is a big, big drive here.

They'll go back to their wildcat package.

This is Williams. Right up the middle!


Williams is gonna take it to the house!

Touchdown, Westgate!

34 yards!

The extra point try is through.

All right, run this.
Keep, keep steppin' up.

Keep steppin' up.

My sh*t, man. My sh*t.

Turn right. Z's there. Y over.

He's clear. Oh, my God.

We ain't goin' out like that.

- We ain't goin' out like that.
- We ain't goin' out like that.

We ain't goin' out like that.

Gotta watch Aaron Anderson,

the five-foot-ten senior
wearing number two.


Rainbows one towards the end zone.

Touchdown, Karr!

What a grab! What a throw!

Big-time touchdown, Aaron Anderson!

Westgate up by four,
under seven minutes to go.

Karr, never outta this football game.

We need a three and out,
we in this bitch.

We still in this bitch!
Pick your f*ckin' head up, bro!

We here! This what we made for!

Let's lock up!

ANNOUNCER 3 [over speaker]:
Make some noooise!

Let's go, D. Let's go, D.

ANNOUNCER 2: This Karr defense
has been so good this year.

Can they make a play here?

Doucet throwing on the run.

And... oh, wow.

Yes, he did!

Oh, boy, a huge catch inside the 20!

[whistle blows]

Westgate can continue to run the clock,

and if they can kick a field goal,
they'll go up by seven here.

♪ "Battle Me" by Kairo & Sha’Ki playing ♪

PLAYER: Milkin' that bitch.

They milkin' that bitch. Damn!

ANNOUNCER 3 [over speaker]:
Gonna kick a field goal attempt.

To make it a seven-point game.

And he's got it.

Wow, what an exciting finish to this game.

ANNOUNCER 2: I know.
ANNOUNCER 1: This is a great game.

ANNOUNCER 2: Two minutes to go.

Karr's got two timeouts.

Down by seven as they seek
a seventh consecutive trip

to the 4A state championship game.

Everybody is on their feet.

Karr's got a hot quarterback
right now in AJ Samuel,

and a terrific wide receiver
in Aaron Anderson.

They need to go 61 yards here

in the final 1:54.

Anderson takes it from the 25.

Anderson, lookin' to find a little room.

Oh, buckle up. Uh, here we go.

♪ light, classical music playing ♪

SINGERS: ♪ Ahh ♪

Algiers, America: The Relentless Pursuit: Season 1, Episode 4 script (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.